~So Who's Gonna Tell Him?~

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Author: Honestly I'm doing so good with these updates. That's like two within 24 hours.

Enjoy (^з^)~


How long had it been?

It might have been minutes, maybe even seconds.

In our minds it felt like an eternity.

After the word pregnant everything was a blur.

The doctor was talking but his words weren't getting through to me. Everything felt foggy. He was joking right? It was a fucked up joke but he had to be joking. There's no way he's~

The doctors words were breaking in and out of focus.

"-It's rare but not impossible~ Quirks unpredictable~ run more tests~ Appointment tomorrow~ break the news~ lots of stress~ avoid physical activities~ absolutely no~ Hello are you there?"

I looked at Todoroki who had the same expression as me. He seemed to be just as out of the loop as me.

Out of all the questions flooding around in my mind one seemed to scream the loudest.

"What are we gonna tell him?" I whispered aloud, but because of the silence it might as well have been a roar.

This was what snapped Todoroki out of his trance.

"A-Are you positive? How is this possible?" He said in a low shaky voice.

"We ran all the test sir, as impossible as it sounds he is undoubtedly with child. In our test we found a rare gene mutation that seems to be causing an increase in his production of estrogen."

"Wait isn't estrogen found only in females?" Todoroki asked confused.

"This is a common misconception, estrogen and testosterone are found in both men and women but women tend to have more estrogen just like men have more testosterone. Abnormally high levels of estrogen signal a problem in men. Though when we ran the test Midoriya's sperm count came up perfectly fine. So then we ran a few more test."

"What did they say?" I asked hesitantly, still processing everything.

"It turns out the reason he was producing those levels of estrogen is because he's an intersex male. Meaning he technically has both par~"

"~ I don't wanna question what your preaching doctor, but I've had sex with him before and I can guarantee he doesn't have a vagina." I said while cutting him off towards the end.

"No I meant the fact that he is able to produce sperm and has a uterus."  The doctor reiterated clearly feeling awkward at the fact I talked about our intimacy.

"If he doesn't have a vagina, Where's this baby coming out of?" Todoroki asked awkwardly already knowing the answer.

"It's going to have to come out of his *Beep*" The doctor said awkwardly.

Todoroki and I awkwardly glanced at each other knowing full well that Izu was going to kill us.

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