~How About A Date?~

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I update............when I can.

So um.....

~Enjoy (^з^)-


I heard as my boyfriends had snuck in but I purposely chose to ignore them. I can't have sex with them again. I feel as if my body was gonna fall apart and I have a feeling if I don't stop them now, this was going to become a habit. So I continued to clean myself. That's when I heard Kacchan speak up. Without even looking at him I could tell he was smirking "Need a hand?" He asked.

"C-Could you p-please go?" I pleaded as I began to start soaping my body with the delicate rose scented body wash. Shuddering as I retraced all the bites and bruises they had left.

Todo just began to pout, looking me in the eyes as if he was trying to speak directly to my soul. "Jesus what did I do to deserve this......" I mumbled under my breath.

This was like when you decide to start dieting and that's when everyone starts eating desserts in front of you. I felt as if I was being taunted.

"Look it's not like I d-don't want to.........It's just that my body c-can't take much more of this-" before I could finish Kacchan says with a smirk "Then this will be the last time tonight."

That would have been somewhat reassuring if he hadn't smirked and swiftly start moving towards the shower door dragging Todo behind him.

I slowly started to panic as I begin to back up towards the wall opposite to the door. "We haven't e-even been together f-for more than a d-day and we've already d-done it 5 times....." I squeaked as I felt the cold wet shower tiles touch my back. 

Within a second they were up close and far too personal for me to be comfortable.

'That's a lie I actually love this.......wait no I don't........maybe I was lying to myself by saying I didn't when I do?'

Wait what am I saying?

It was like my heart and mind were fighting for control. One was telling me I wanted this, I wanted to be wrapped up in their arms and taken in every way possible. I wanted to feel their bodies against me as the warm water ran down our bodies.  Making it hard to hold onto anything with them pounding into me. The other was telling me that if this continues I won't be walking much tomorrow. I had a hunch the second one was right by the way the sanity flickered out of their eyes, instantly replaced with lust and awe.

"Izu how about we do something tomorrow?" Todoroki said as he swiftly pulled me in between him and Kacchan. "L-like what...A-ah." I tried to respond as I felt a pair of hands firmly grab my ass.

Kacchan then slaps my ass as he then begins to grind against me. I can feel his now hard on poke against my entrance slightly. "We want to take you out baby, we want to show you off to the world." I felt his soft bites on my lobe as he whispered this into my ears.

Todo had begun rubbing his member against mine, softly groaning at the friction of us rubbing together. "How about a date?" Todo states through his soft pants.

I began to blush like a mad man. I couldn't even grasp the words that were floating around in my brain. I felt loved. I felt special. Most importantly I felt happy. I was happy because they wanted more than just sex. They wanted to show everyone how much we loved each other, not just behind closed doors. I couldn't find the words to describe how excited I was for this. I was so buried under the weight of my thoughts I forgot they were patiently waiting for my response.

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