~Back From the Dead~

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Author: I'm sorry....I'm sooooooo sorry.

Don't hate me for what's about to go down.....Just read till the end.

Before The Crash


I watched as my savior looked up to the sky. His red eyes matched the blood flooding around him. I watched as he breathed out a few shaky breaths. His chest rose and fell before finally halting. His ruby red closed and he let out a final statement.

"T-Tell them I-I loved t-them."

•Present Time•


You know those confusing moments where you wake up in the middle of nowhere with no prior recollection of what you did last night.

This is one of those moments.

"W-Where the fucking hell?" I croaked out as I slowly took in my surroundings.

I was lying on a bed of black sheets in an even blacker room. It was clean but lifeless. It was also cold as fuck. The window being open did not help but The windows had been the only source of light. The slight cracks in the doorway and the partially cracked windows lit up the space enough for me to see bruises all over my body. Though I didn't need to see in order to feel that they were bruises, big ones.

'Ok time to get the fuck out of here.'

My head was pounding but that didn't stop me from getting up and putting my shoes back on.

The good news is I'm 90% sure that it's only been a few hours since I left home.

The bad news is I still have no idea what I was doing here or where 'here' even was.

The even worse news is I couldn't check any of that because my phone was dead.

"Izu and Shoto are gonna kill me." I mumbled in a panic manner while pacing violently back and forth.

"Holy shit, thank god you're alive." An unknown voice choked out, breaking me free from my daze.

'Thank god I'm alive?'

What did that even mean?

"Who the fuck are you?!" I growled angrily at the man approaching me very slowly with a bottle of pills and some water.

He was looking at me as if I was some scratched up stray puppy.

Actually he was looking at me as if he was afraid he'd break me.

Yep that's definitely not giving off any warnings. My instincts were instantly switched from defense mode to Kill mode.

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