~You Must Be Insane!!~

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Author: I was bombarded with writer's block and a horrific cold....I'd like to apologize.

Enjoy (^з^)~


I can't believe it's been Two Months, a hectic two months no less.

Let me tell you how Chaotic it's been in the form of a melodramatic rant.

Appointments have been a bitch. I can't begin to describe how stressful Izu's schedule has been. It felt like we lived at the doctors office. It seems like a hassle but it's necessary to ensure both Izu and the baby- Whoops I meant the babies are healthy. Sometimes even I forget that we're having twins.

Anyways we thought Izuku had conquered his fear of doctors. However we couldn't have been more wrong.

Cue flashback......


The day started off like a typical Friday morning. Nearing the sixth month of Izu's pregnancy we were scheduled for an amniocentesis.

Now you're probably thinking one of three things.

'An amniowhoseit?'

'Wait was that a sneeze....Is this the part where I say bless you?'

Or my personal favorite...

'Why don't medical terms and procedures ever have normal names? I'm not fluent in Pig Latin.'

Those were pretty much my thoughts when the doctor had suggested it. She had explained it was a simple yet intricate procedure performed to detect if there are any abnormalities with the babies. We were specifically getting a test done to see if the babies lungs were mature enough for early delivery. We had to comb over every aspect of the C-section to ensure nothing could go wrong.

This was just another one of those tests.

Now at the time she forgot to mention that there would be a needle used to retrieve the amniotic fluid.

And she certainly never mentioned how big it would be.

So here we were in the hospital awaiting the doctor.

We were seated how we usually were. Izu is seated comfortably in Katsuki's lap while I stood idly next to them. This was the only way he was calm. It was quite cute actually.

"Feeling nervous Izu?" Katsuki asked in response to Izu's slight leg tremor and his awkward constant shift.

"Kinda...." He mumbled quietly before we turned our attention to the door which now swung open.

"Good morning Mr.Midoriya." The doctor beamed as she entered with a small group of nurses.

"Let's get you all set up for the procedure." The nurse to my right said as she motioned us to follow them into the room across the hall.

We walked into the larger room and to a glance at all the weird looking equipment around the room. Izuku turned up and gave me and Katsuki a look as if to say....

'If any of these are used on me I'm gonna fight someone.'

With the amount of pregnancy adrenaline and crazed hormones running through his body I was sure he would.

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