~Married At Last-Part 2~

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Author: Hello friends.....

We ventured on this journey together and now it's time to say goodbye. Last Night was only a few thoughts running in my head.

I have an overactive imagination.

But this book was more than a few thoughts it was an escape from reality.

Though if your looking to escape reality sometime soon check out my new story, The Day After Tomorrow.

Part three of Married at last is out now, that's the honeymoon episode.

Now let's get on with the story, before I start ugly crying like a toad. Because we all know the only one who could make crying look pretty is Todoroki.

(If you remember what part of the story I'm referencing.....You're a real one)

(Also please don't flame me, I haven't seen a wedding in a hot minute, this is gonna be a bit wobbly)

Disclaimer: The art work used throughout this episode are photos I found online. So if these are from a specific artist, I apologize sincerely for not crediting them.


~Pre Wedding Flashback~

We were all seated in the living room after we got dressed up. We were taking pictures with each other and fooling around. This was honestly such a perfect moment, and a total cure for pre wedding jitters.

"How much did we fucking drink Last night?!" Kacchan uttered out while sitting down dramatically.

"We drank a shit ton, though it's safe to say I got trashed the most." Kaminari stated while shooting us a crooked grin.

"You had no business drinking as much as you did.....I was secretly betting you'd get alcohol poisoning." Shinso revealed while leaning back in our reclining chair.

"What the fuck—how many of you were in on this?" Kami asked, looking around the room in disbelief.

He looked almost betrayed to see all of our hands up but there was one person in particularly he assumed had his back; he was sorely mistaken.

"Why, I mean I understand the rest of them, but you too Jiro?!" Kaminari whined dramatically.

"Did I give you the impression that I would place a bet on your stupidity?" She replied with a smirk.

"Bullies, all of you." He cried out.

He pointed towards Kiri and stretched his hands out towards him.

"Huggie?" Kirishima offered softly.

"Huggie!" Kaminari cheered as he ran into his boyfriends arms for a tight hug.

"Okay would you guys stop fooling around, we still have to make it to the venue for the pre wedding pictures, then I have to get all the guest situated and do about a billion final checks!" Momo ranted on whilst pacing back and forth.

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