~Married At Last Part 3~

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Oh I forgot to put a smut warning......so here we go. Smut warning............😏

A few weeks after the wedding


"No." I stated softly as I gently placing my forehead tiredly on the cold surface beneath me.

I had sweat trickling down my face and I felt like utter shit.

"Izu, Baby, I think we all know what this is." Shoto stated gently while rubbing circles on my back. Kacchan was kneeling right by my other side running his fingers threw my damp messy locks.

"No, I refuse to do this again!" I screamed while giving him a tired look.

"For All Might's sake, can you at least admit it." Shoto sighed out in annoyance.

"I c-can't believe this, how could I be— no, no, I w-was so c-careful!" I spit out while looking back and forth between my two husbands.

The only response I got back was a glance between the two, this awkward look, and a measly little.....


•The day after the wedding•


I awoke to Izuku shaking me violently.

"Kacchan, we are on a plane!" He shouted in excitement.

"Yes, we have been on this plane for a while now." I confirmed in a raspy morning voice.

"Why are you and Shoto sleeping?!" Izu asked while practically bouncing up and down in his seat.

"Because we spent a large percentage of the night before babysitting, drunk Izuku. Which I don't really mind because your adorably horny when drunk." I mumbled as I drifted back to sleep.

"Shoto, wake up!" He begged as he rocked our husband awake.

"Izu, aren't you supposed to be hungover or something, go to sleep." Shoto growled as he pulled Izu onto his lap and cuddled him.

"Fine." Was the only thing said before the next time we woke up.

~Two Hours Later~

"I can't feel my legs." Izu roared out while Shoto and I were grabbing the luggage.

"Please carry me." He cried while wincing at his own voice.

"He's hungover." Shoto and I confirmed together as we began to lecture him for drinking so much.

"But Mina, Kami, and Shinso keep on shouting, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots." He mumbled while looking slightly embarrassed.

"It's fine, you can get some rest at the hotel, and then we'll go out and explore the resort, okay?" Shoto offered while giving Izu a soft smile.

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