~Well You Tried~

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Author: I listened to The Two Princes podcast on Spotify and it was soooooooooo cute.

Btw Our 10k special is next episode so at the end of this episode you can vote on what you want to see.


"Stop arguing with me Katsuki, it'll never happen." I repeated for the tenth time.

"Izuku tell him he's wrong!" Katsuki whined while tugging on his sleeve.

"Hell no, I'm not getting involved in whatever this is." Izu said with an abundance of sass.

"I'm pretty sure it's Katsuki's way of displaying his oversized ego." I blankly started while shifting comfortably on the bed.

"You know what?" Katsuki said while pouncing on me.

"I was being nice before but I'm going to prove to  you that I can do it." Katsuki professed whole shining me a devilish grin.

"You're not topping me you egotistical bastard." I hissed while struggling to flip him off.

"Why fucking not?!" He asked while straddling me.

"Because!" I shouted in response.

"That's not an answer!!" He shouted back.

"How the actual hell did we get here?" Izuku questioned while watching us sexually brawl it out.

That's actually a good question....

How did we get here???


The ride home was relatively silent. 

Well actually that's a complete lie. I was silent, Katsuki and Izu couldn't seem to stop pestering me.

If I'm being completely honest I was a little worried to introduce my family to my boyfriends. It would just be my mother and my sister but still it freaked the shit out of me. I sort of, kind of, maybe, possibly forgotten to mention the fact that I'm gay to my family......

I guess that's why the whole family dinner idea made me uneasy.

My boyfriends definitely sensed it. So they spent the entire care ride badger me into telling them what was wrong.

Knowing how resilient I was they eventually gave up the interrogation.

Instead they tried to lighten up the mood.

"Did you know that hippopotamus milk is pink?" Izu questioned with a wide grin.

"Izu that's the twentieth fun fact you fucking said and he still hasn't said anything." Katsuki noted.

"Well you aren't trying anything useful." Izu retorted with speed.

"Ok woah rude." Katsuki said in a mildly hurt tone.

"I'll have you know I'm not as witty and funny as usual because my ass still feels like a horse kicked it." Katsuki said with a growl.

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