~Izu Can I Hit Him?~

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Warning: This story might end up giving you a heart attack.

Probably not in this chapter but trust me it's coming.

Lol enjoy (^з^)~


"What the Fuck?"

I couldn't believe the fact that I slept for more than a whole day. I figured I was probably dying. Right? Yeah, that must be it. I get fucked in the ass like what, 8 times, and now I was gonna die.

I'm content in how well my life was going up till this point.

I still made it past 21 Bitches.

I was silently thinking of what flowers would be the best for my funeral when my thoughts started to turn someplace else.

I suddenly remembered I have a child I had to keep living for. I am now a proud mother. I'm also doing a pretty shitty job now that I think about it.

"Wait where's Peach? Have you guys been feeding her? Are her bandages being changed regularly? Does she like the treats I bought for her? Should I go buy more?" I said in one breath as I swiftly tried to get up.

I felt both Todo and Kacchan reach for my shoulders to hold me down gently.
"Woah kitten breathe." Todo said looking concerned at how fast I got up.

"Don't worry babe we've been taking care of her. We also called Uraraka and let her know that you won't be coming in for work tomorrow." Kacchan said reassuringly.

"Wait, why wouldn't I be going to work tomorrow?" I said confused while they moved to sit down next to me. Wrapping their arms around my hips in the process.

"You're going to need to see a doctor kitten." Todo said while holding onto me tighter as he saw my face immediately changed from confused to a panicked discomfort.

"NO WAY IN HELL AM I SEEING A DOCTOR!!" I shout while trying to run away. Due to the fact their arms were still tightly secured around my waist I wasn't getting very far.

After a few failed attempts of trying to fight them off and escape I simply just gave up.

Todo and Kacchan started to rub their hands through my hair while slowly caressing my back. To say they calmed me down would be an understatement. The feeling of them massaging my hair while whispering reassuring nothing's into my ear could have put me to sleep at that very moment. I was completely relaxed in their arms as they slowly loosen their tight grips on my hips.

"I don't like doctors very much." I said in a hushed tone as I felt my eyes gloss over with tears.

I instantly flashback to when I was a kid. I remembered exactly what I wore and what time of day it was. I remembered sitting there on that cold hard hospital chair waiting for my quirk results. I remembered how the wait felt like an eternity. I remembered how the doctor broke the news. I remembered the sound of his monotone voice delivering news that would instantly crush my hopes and dreams. I remembered the way I cried as my mother held onto me and told me she was sorry. I remember how my tears poured down on my face while she stood there hugging me. I remembered how she lightly sobbed, but tried her best to keep composure for my sake. I remembered it all.

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