~Not What I Signed Up For~

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Author: I'm gonna say this loud and clear for all those people sitting in the back......

.....the baby's not coming yet, ya silly ducklings.

P.S: I made this chapter extra long to apologize for the cliffhanger.


"Baby calm down it's gonna be~"

"Shoto I swear to God if you finish that sentence I'm gonna Detroit Smash your ass to the moon!!"

"Izu~" Kacchan pleaded while trying to reach out to me.

"Don't you dare Izu me, you don't have the right to call me that right now!" I cried out angrily, slapping him away.

"I'm gonna kill you two, like literally kill you! I can't fucking believe this. Oh my god......am I gonna die?? I don't wanna dieeeee. I was fine with having a baby, but this~" I shouted with terror flooding into my voice.

"~This is not what I signed up for." I croaked out with tears brimming my eyes.



I can't breathe.

I couldn't breathe and that terrified me. It felt as if every ounce of oxygen in the world had disappeared causing every fiber of my being to shift to panic mode. I was walking perfectly fine a second ago. Just a second ago I was home......

........And now I'm in an ambulance.

"I-I don't want to die." I said weakly as the EMT's took my vitals.

"You're not gonna die. I promise you that." The woman on my left said.

She began rapid firing a series of questions towards my boyfriends who tried their best to answer.

The questions sounded foggy to me. Though the fact that they were responding made me realize I was the only one that couldn't hear. The world appeared as if a white clouded film covered it. Everything felt foggy.

To be honest my memory was a little hazy from the pain, but I'm ninety percent sure she said I wasn't going to die.

"So why is it so dar~" I started before being rudely interrupted by the sudden dimming of my vision.

This was the last thing I said before passing out.


"Izuku!" Shoto and I screamed in unison.

"Recovery position now!" The woman ordered towards her aid.

They began to prop him up gently causing him to stir slightly. He let out a series of inaudible grunts as he held his stomach gently.

"He's awake, he's all good." The man said while helping him stay seated.

"What's wrong with him!?" I shouted towards the male EMT. It's not like I was trying to be loud, I was just freaking the fuck out.

"From what I can tell he's experiencing false contractions." The EMT stated.

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