chapter 2

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Izukus pov:

After bakugou had finished he was leaning over my bruised form laying on the ground in pain my hands clutching my stomach from how hard bakugou kicked me.he smirked staring at his bloody fists a bit of blood also smudged on his face under his eyes .

I winced waves of intense pain coming at me repeatedly refusing to leave me alone.bakugou had now taken off his blood stained gloves and threw them into his bag in a plastic wallet and started walking off his hands shoved into his school trousers.

I looked down at my hands covered in red the sight caused horrible memories to repeat in my head i put my hands over my ears trying to shut out my mothers screams and pains in agony this brought me to tears and my own screams of agony left my lips my hands pulling on my green hurts but not as much as bakugous words...

Then i remembered something...i need to get to quick a s possible i scrambled onto my feet trying to not hurt myself even further...i started walking towards the hospital when realised that i actually know someone with o type blood but its not someone that particularly likes me.....lets try anyway.....kacchan.

I started limping down the familiar ally trying to catch up with kacchan to ask him a question that could change everything....

Soon a block of spiky blond hair came into view a small relieved smile grew on my face as i started speed walking which turned into jogging slightly and when i got to him i stopped a good 10 feet away from him for safety reasons.

"W-wait....kacchan"i said reaching out in the air.he turned around confusion written on his face as to why i followed him.

"What deku didn't get enough back there? want a round two!?"he said angry his fist forming into a open fist small sparks coming out.

I cowered back putting my shaky arms in front of my weak form to create some sort of protection from my worst nightmare..the scariest  monster to exist...

"N-no..k-kacchan ..please h-hear me out i n-need your h-help"i begged getting on my knees and bowing  down my forehead touching the ground.

"Woah..deku now your becoming a much lower can you go..?"he asked putting his hands onto his hips disgust rolling off his tongue.

"M-my mum she's in the hospital she got in a huge accident with a villain and she's on the verge of death please.. please kacchan help her she needs blood transfusion and your the only person i know that has type o please please kacchan i beg of you!!" By the end i was bursting with tears falling carelessly down my face.

When i brought my top half back up the look on bakugous face shocked me...he had an upset expression but is quick as it came it disappeared and was replaced with his famous angry bad boy look.

...A BLOOD BANK? ....FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU WEAKLINGS!!"bakugou shouted feeling like he was disrespected.

I stood up angry." mother we are talking about...and your mums bestfriend..." a quiet whisper came out barely auditable for kacchan to hear.
"What? ....can't hear you.. speak up deku"bakugou said putting his right hand onto his ear smirking leaning into my face so he could' hear' better but i knew he was just mocking me finding my weak state funny and entertaining ,finding it...a joke.

""i said quietly one last time before running out the ally way leaving a laughing bakugou behind.

I ran all the way to the hospital and walked to my mothers room.A doctor with a clipboard was standing outside it looking around for someone but when he noticed me he immediately rushed over holding out the clipboard which i took politely.

"Whats this ?"i asked pointing at the paper i was ment to sign."i am so sorry but we can't do any further treatment for your mother as she has lost to much blood and she will most likely die later tonight i am again really sorry" he said facing the eyes started tearing up right after he said I'm sorry as i saw it coming before hand.if only kacchan helped we could've made it in time....

I hesitantly signed the paper tears dropping onto the paper wetting it the doctor slowly took the clip board from my hand and walked into mother room to probably take her off her life support.

I walked home not long after ,my face emotionless my eyes dull and empty there was nothing.'i've lost everything' i thought laughing 'of course i'm just a weak deku just like kacchan said'.

I finally arrived at was quiet to quiet no sound of the television being turned on no pans clinging together from the kitchen and i couldn't hear my mums voice singing our favourite song anymore.i'm a mess.

I collapsed in the living room onto the floor a cry of pain echoing throughout the small house my arms wrapped around my knees and my head banging against the wall blaming myself tears blinding my vision.soon after i cried myself to sleep on the living room floor.


Short chapter sozzzzz
885 words

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