chapter 37 pt2

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After everything hes done it wouldn't make sense that he likes me and even if he did.....who said i would say yes?

Anyways i was sitting in class scribbling onto my desk which iida has had a go at me for but i couldn't give too shits to be honest.

Aizawa was teaching us how to use our quirks for defending but before the bell rang he said something that perked my interest.

"Next week you will be having your hero internships with heros that have chosen you during the festival depending on how you preformed."aizawa said bored like always putting up a list on the board at the front with our names and numbers beside it.

"The people at the top got the most recommendations while the people on the bottom got the least"he said pointing and looking at the names his eyes widening at the results.he hasn't seen it before?

Bakugou got up making the chair fall with a loud bang shouting"THIS IS STUPID!!"he banged his fists against his desk making iida raise a brow at him telling him mentally 'famous heros sat at that respect it'.

I raised my head off of the desk and glanced at the board and burst out laughing seeing even mineta got more votes than kacchan.

"SHUT UP DAMN DEKU!"he screamed glaring to the back of the classroom where i sat laughing by myself banging on my desk with tear filled eyes.

"Anyways here..."aizawa walked around the classroom handing sheets out to everyone including to me surprisingly."fill these out by the end of the day and give them in to me or the principle."

I looked down at the sheet to see there was 3 boxes on it labelled 1st,2nd and 3rd option.

Must be where we write down the hero agency we want to go to?i turned the sheet around to see our names where printed out on the top with the different hero agencies we could choose from.

I folded it and put it into my blazer pocket for later and the bell rang signalling lunch break.

I walked up to todoroki and grabbed his bag making him follow me to the roof where we ate and talked at lunch everyday.

We sat down taking our lunch out and was about to start eating when the sky suddenly turned dark and it started to drizzle.

We packed up and hid under the little bit in-front of the door(still on the roof just this part has a ceiling).once again we sat down and started eating while we discussed what agency we wanted or thought of going to.

"Where you going shoto-kun?"i asked shoving rice into my mouth."i think fathers going to force me to work with his agency.."he moaned annoyed munching on his BLT sandwich.

"Thats unfortunate..."i said smiling at him sympathetically. "Its least i have the advantage of destroying him"he laughed throwing an empty packet of crisp at me.

"Dream on..."i laughed as well lightly punching his shoulder.

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