chapter 20

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I had made it to school early again and so just sat at my desk and decided to wait until the teacher and the rest of the class arrived when i felt a light vibration in my blazer pocket and so i took my phone out to see a new text message from shigaraki.

I tapped the icon opening the app and read the message out loud quietly under my breath so that only i would hear in-case anyone else was around.

"Deku,it has been decide,we're making our move in 2 days until then keep it low just take your notes or what ever the hell you do...don't attract unnecessary attention onto yourself.and even tho your there as a spy you should still work hard in your English and maths never know when we will need it, after all your the brains of the league anyways i htg brocoli head peace out🤙🏻"i said quietly reading the message again to make sure i read it correctly.

"Broccoli head!? Who does he think hes talking to...!old man needs some chapstick i swear"i shouted at my phone glaring at the text message not realising a few class mates have already came in to the classroom.

I looked around to stare at a boy with 6 arms and another boy with a bird head as i smiled awkwardly, embarrassed as i scratched at my neck.i immediately stopped realising  what i was doing
.....don' i don't want my neck looking like his, a shiver ran down my spine picturing my friends scard neck from his habit of scratching at it when he's frustrated.
He's rubbing off onto me not fucking good

I looked to the front when everyone else came in and sat down.all we had to wait for now is eraser head i thought forgetting his real name already.i took out my hero analysis book and started writing into it filling in their friendship groups,personalities,their features etc this kind of information will help me in the long run when i need it, also helpful for the league when I'm not around cause i tend to remember things when i write it down but...not so much if i get told it a great example is when it comes to names.

Everyone became dead silent when someone banged the door open a large figure flying through the door.
"I'M COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON"everyone cheered seeing the number one hero while i rolled my eyes internally cursing his existence.why is he here?...

'Hes got guts showing up with that face after what hes done!'i shouted in my head arguing with myself in my head"what a fucking attention seeker...".

I accidentally said out loud but not loud enough for anyone to hear or so i thought......

After what felt like ages of all might explaining hes our hero teacher from now on and what we would be doing for hero training we got changed into our new hero costumes.mine consisted of a mint green jumper with bunny ears attached to the hood and matching green joggers with bright red shoes and a bright red belt that i can place weapons like small daggers into.i also have a mask witch looked quiet similar to my villain mask.

Walking down to meet all might with the class i inspected everyone's outfits likeing some of them but cringing at most of their who comes up with the idea to wear a cape and huge red glasses...a very big disadvantage when it comes to fighting.but kacchans..... not going to lie it ain't bad, too bad he's wearing it tho....

When we finally arrived we were sorted into teams of two and raffles were pulled on who we would go against.i was on the same team as that Uraraka girl and we were going against Bakugous team.we were the hero's while they were the villains.

I cringed at the fact that i had to end up on the hero team but nothing i can really do about it so....its not like I'm actually a hero anyway...

We were up first and the villains got a five minute head start to walk into the building to go find the 'bomb' and decide what roles they would be taking.once that timer was up me and Uraraka rushed in going down rows and rows of corridors looking around every corner looking out for the enemy.

Looking around i heard inaudible talking which made me halt making Uraraka barge into my back i turned my head around giving her a side glare which she just smiled at.

I told her quietly without even bothering to face her to go find the bomb while i take care of Bakugou.she looked confused since we were alone and it was deadly silent.i quickly pushed her out the way as i jumped back avoiding a surprise attack from my childhood friend.

'Ironic,every villain goes for the surprise attack'i thought glaring at an angry Bakugou."go Uraraka"i ran at Bakugou our bodies clashing together as we tried to over power the other with our bare hands no quirks involved.

"Finally i have an excuse to beat your ass!!"bakugou pushed me off of himself as i slid back my red shoes scraping against the floor dust flying around the narrow corridor.

"I won't be your punching bag Baka!!"i got up to once again attack him.

Using my telekinesis i picked up Bakugou and threw him at a wall behind him sending him through multiple layers.he coughed blood coming out his nose.

Bakugou quickly got up and pushed himself off the wall making him fly towards me and we exchange blows mostly bakugou receiving them but Bakugou caught me off guard by doing a fault attack and tackled me onto the ground his hands and legs keeping me in place on the ground.he gave me no time to react.

"I thought you said something copycat"he said smirking punching me straight in the nose making me groan and shut my eyes.i started trashing around forgetting i owned a quirk while bakugou continued to hit me. it.....not again.....

Old memories started replaying in my head from when i was just little, his words and actions were continuously flowing into my head over and over."deku you quirkless freak""get out of the way extra""dont try it with me nerd!!!""thats right your just a stepping stone to my victory""this stupid dream of yours is going to be your downfall deku!!!""take a swan dive off the roof and hope you get a quirk in your next life"

My eyes shot open but all i could see was red.i pushed bakugou off myself with inhuman strength making Bakugou tumble on to the floor.he looked up confused to meet the eyes of a raging animal getting ready to kill its prey.the intimidating glare of my blue eyes made Bakugou gulp but he swallowed that slight fear and charged at me while he heated up his fists.

I let out a warrior like scream as i too charged up my quirk breaking the walls around me and picked up the debris to throw at Bakugou with insane speed and strength.

He dodged the flying objects by bouncing against the remaining wall and pushing himself out the way using his explosions.looking around the corridor i looked at what i could find to help me beat Bakugou when i noticed a camera facing me directly.

My heart skipped a beat as i realised what i had done...they saw my eyes...fuck

I screamed picking up heavier and bigger objects throwing them 2 towards Bakugou which he also dodged or smashed as he ran close and closer towards me.

'I'll lose at this rate i must do something.....'i looked back at the camera and sent a large piece of debris at it breaking the camera completely as it fell to the floor.

I switched off my telekinesis by blinking and reopened my eyes but they no longer glew a bright blue...they were now glowing a bright green the same colour as my flames.

Bakugou stopped and got up to look at me as his eyes widened."how many more tricks do you have up your sleeve Copycat!!"he shouted clenching his fists.i laughed staring at his angry look,'i can't believe i once admired him....he's just like everyone else...seeking for recognition'i thought as my laughter died down and a big frown formed on my face.

I put my hands infront of me forming a large ball of green fire and sent it charging at Bakugou going in for the kill.i was suddenly snapped out of whatever trance i was stuck in and i could see clearly again when Bakugou shouted.


But It was too late,i couldn't stop my flames in time...and they hit Bakugou directly.

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