chapter 22

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My eyes fluttered open my vision still foggy but i could tell i was in UA's infirmary.i looked down at myself to see i was covered from head to toe in bandages soaked with blood.looking around i noticed Kacchan in the same condition as me but still unconscious.

It felt like a while since i woke up and no one has come by since i awoke and i was starting to get bored.noticing that no one is around i decided to play around with my quirk for a bit.

I put my hands in the air and formed a small green flame on the tip of my pointing finger and watched it dance about and grow until my whole hand was covered with the hot flames.

I quickly extinguished the flames by blinking my eyes turning back to their normal colour when the door slammed open with a loud bang making me jump and Kacchan flinch in his deep slumber.

I squeezed my eyes shut and breathed heavier and slower to make it seem like i was the footsteps i was picking up it was a woman and a man that came in from the light and heavy sounds of their steps.

The man stopped by the door but the woman came closer towards me making me clench my blanket tighter.suddenly she stopped moving and i could feel tiny cold hands against my forehead.

"He'll be alright he just got hurt a little"what sounded like an old lady probably recovery girl said.

She walked away towards the door to tell the man more in detail of my condition but he walked straight past her towards the other occupied bed uninterested.

She brushed it off and followed him from behind.she too placed her small hand onto Kacchans forehead and placed a light kiss afterwards.

"How is young Bakugou Recovery girl?"the number one hero said with a deep and booming voice concerned.

"He over worked his quirk bringing it to its limit burning himself in the process but he should heal and be back in classes by tomorrow"she said pulling Kacchans blanket further up to just bellow his neck.

The symbol of piece let out a loud sigh relieved loosening his blue tie around his neck.'what's going on...why is he so protective of the most annoying and selfish person of class 1a?is there something going on between the two?'i thought.

"Y-you know how he gets...he's so stubborn and has simply no control over his emotions ,i now know i shouldn't have given him one for all yet but i thoug-"all might was cut off by recovery girl placing a finger on her lips and pointing towards my turned back.

"Hes up"she whispered getting up from her spiny chair to check up on the greenette.

I scrunched my eyebrows confused,'how did she know?'
but suddenly heard the quickened beeping of an annoying heart rating machine next to my bed.i rolled over to the other side and faked a yawn and a stretch pretending i just woke up.

Opening my eyes i saw the always grinning hero sitting by Kacchans bed and the short old heroine next to mine.

"Hello sweetheart you alright?any pain or discomfort?"she asked typing on her white computer.i pulled my blanket down and sat on the edge of the bed my legs dangling off the side.
"N-no I'm alright"i said accidentally stuttering.

She gave me a pile of my folded school uniform and told me to get changed in the bathroom right next to the medical room.i took it kindly giving her a small smile and got up making my way out side.

On the way towards the door i saw from the corner of my eye all might glaring at me his blue orbs shining deep within his black eyes.

I turned around and glared back letting a little green light slip through my red contacts making him stare confused and shocked but before he could stop me i left to go change and to my classroom full of hero wannabes.

Read important!!

Sorry for the short chapter but i've been busy lately studying for upcoming exams .soon ill have more time and will update more often

Thanks if your still around reading my book even though it ain't the best😂

Also i think i made the book a little to complicated so im changing dekus and asumis quirks a little bit...

Deku will only have his telekinesis and fire quirk while Asumi only has her gravity and truth quirk but they also have the traits of a cat like seeing in the dark and hearing really well.

And i forgot to include how a spell was casted onto deku when he was little forgetting about his sister and dad so i will include a chapter later on about that too.....

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