chapter 38

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We sat down and everyone went silent seeing a sleepy aizawa walk in sipping on an apple juice box.

'Omg finally....he's earned my respect'i thought looking at his the flavour of his juice box.

"Well hello your back.....ugh..basically to put it shortly your going to a training camp starting tomorrow.."the pro said tossing the juice box into the bin which was now at the front.

"WHAT!!"the whole class screamed at the un bothered teacher."AIZAWA SENSEI WHY ARE WE BEING TOLD THIS THE DAY BEFORE!!" "WHOS COMING!?" "IS IT SAFE I MEAN WE WERE JUST ATTACKED BY VILLAINS!!" "WHAT ABOUT OUR HERO WORK STUDIES?!" the class bombarded speaking over each other making it sound like gibberish.

I stayed silent though also not very much bothered.i probably would have the same reaction as them if i was still back in middle school...and if i still had to worry about my mums approval....

"Class class class please calm down.."nezu walked in holding up his small paws."i can hear you from my office which is 2 corridors away...what's the problem...?"the mouse bear asked sitting on top of aizawas desk.

"WE WERE JUST TOLD THAT!-"using my telekinesis i shut kaminaris mouth and spoke for him at a slower speed.

"Basically...we were just told that were supposed to be going on a training camp trip to who knows where with random people if i recall correctly when we literally was told we have hero internships an hour ago so no one knows whats going on....i suppose this is to strengthen our quirks right?but am i involved this time round principle?"i asked mockingly releasing my hold on kaminari making him gasp and glare at me.

Not the whole class likes me still.only todoroki,kirishima and uraraka...i know its pathetic since one of them is my brother and the rest only like me because I'm strong and "manly" as the red head said so but its better then having none...right?

"Now now izuku why are we getting so angry?..of course your involved after performing so well in the festival i can't leave you out now...can i?"the mouse smirked making the most of the class groan.

Dark red streaks appeared in my hair as the mouse continued to try and get inside my head.i know i shouldn't let him but the way he looks at me really makes me want to kick him over a fence....

"Not in my class room midoriya"aizawa warned his eyes glowing red."and especially not with the principle unless it is for training.."his hair flew up along with the rope around his neck.

I smacked my hands against my desk and sat down the streaks in my hair disappearing quickly."yeah of course sorry sensei"i apologized putting my feet onto my desk.

"also don't worry guys your hero studies were just pushed back a little since the pro's at camp are only available this will be going to your internships after your training"the mouths said jumping off the table.

"Anyways...good luck on your trip i hope the very best...izuku my office now"nezu demanded walking out.

I face planted and got up dragging my things behind me."meet me by his office.."i said to todoroki not caring about aizawa telling me off about in directly threatening the principle.

He nodded and so i left.


i barged in nezus office without knocking making nezu drop his cup of tea surprised staining his snow white rug."what?..."i groaned rolling my eyes throwing my bag down and sitting on the floor not taking off my shoe on purpose to annoy him.

"what is with that attitude of yours?recently you've changed after you started hanging out with your brother..."i scoffed not believing his words.

"What do you mean!?so your saying being who i am is a crime!?and since when do you know he's my brother?!"i stood up looking the small animal up and down trying to intimidate him.

"No of course not izu but suddenly you've started rebelling against teachers and you stopped co it your brother?has he done something to you...?"nezu asked concerned.

I keeled down in-front of nezu coming face to face with him."don't blame shoto for how i act....its got nothing to do with him!"i shouted.

"Then why are you being like this!"this time the principle raised his voice.

"Because no one understands!i lived with the league for nearly a whole year so making me sit in a class room full of wanna be heros makes me want to puke!!shoto listens,he listens when i need to get something off my chest and even though he found out his little brother is a villain he accepted him!don't doubt me i want to become the best hero possible but it's hard!!i can't stand seeing all these faces seeing them smile when they are asked if they are going to become a hero.even though i was in the most unsafest place it felt more like home then here i miss not being able to make trouble.....the only reason i was acting so nicely at some point was because after i got knocked out i saw thing,things that convinced me and changed my goals but now i realise if i am only liked when i wear a mask with fake smiles and lies i don't want to be part of class 1-a!!"i finished panting and let go of nezus vest which i hadn't realised but i grabbed when i got my self worked up

"J-just give m-me some time...i'll change...just let me figure things out and let me be."i said sitting down in the corner of the room furthest away from nezu.

"I'm sorry izuku....for making assumptions....but just so you know making peoples lives miserable and creating chaos is not a good way to blow off steam...and you need to learn that......"the mouse apologized getting up and sitting down at his desk to continue paper work he left a while ago unfinished.

Nezu is really kind and caring.all he thinks about is his students well being and safety.he always comes up with something ridiculous to brighten up someone's day and here i am pushing him away.making him feel like the villain but i can't help it.

I'm scared.what if they are using me?these thoughts make me feel insecure and unwell.could they be trying to gain my trust so that i take their side and so that i help them?my train of thoughts really make no sense.I'm more confused then ever.....which is the good side?

The league took care of me,laughed with me and gave me a family.they then left me to the heros who captured me and put me into this embarrassing rehab.i saw people i hated...all might and kacchan...but they told me the truth and healed me physically.they gave me a safe environment to stay and now i can sleep in peace.but who's the one lying?
The school?...the league?...

I still love Asumi and the others so much even after everything and i didn't get to ask them why....i still love heros but i also hate them.i want to change but i don't at the same time.i want to stay the way i am but i know i can't.

My head hurts so much.i still haven't found myself.what am i supposed to be?an innocent 16 year old with dreams of becoming a hero who forgets about his past and moves on or a blood thirsty villain who could live happily with his brother and finally defeat the people responsible for his mother suffering?

But i still don't know what reality is.i know I'm part todoroki but did all might really kill mum?and am i really a failed science experiment that turned out to be a success a decade later?

At this moment my goals are to find the league.more like find Asumi and ask her about everything she showed me wrong?am i a reminder of mothers horrible past?i must find out....only then can i figure out if i want to be a hero or a villain.

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