chapter 9

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"No......."Hitoshi said looking down at his lap.

"hes the son of ....Endeavour......"

My eyes widened shocked as i choked  trying to breath tears threatening to escape my eyes...

"No,no,no,no,no,NO YOUR LYING I'M NOT HIS SON HE'S A MONSTER, A CRIMINAL ..DO YOU EVEN HAVE A CLUE OF WHAT HE PUT ME AND MY MOTHER THROUGH!!"i shouted at him the bubble of anger that's been growing inside of me finally bursting all of it coming out viciously.

"SHUT UP !!YOUR JUST A GUINEIPIG,A TEST SUBJECT THAT'S ALL YOU ARE AND EVER BE"he shouted back with the same amount of anger his eyes glowing his claws extending.

"SHUT UPPP!!!"i screamed putting my hand onto my head feeling intense feels like im being hit by  bricks multiple times.... the over whelming pain making me shake and buckel my knees. my arms falling to my sides my eyes half way open as i started falling over,feeling like the world has stopped everything happening in slow motion as Asumi rushed to my aid trying to catch my form before i hit the ground dabi holding Hitoshi back who has gone completely crazy ,-
loud animalistic sounds echoing around the bar as the other members tried to calm him down while the only person helping me is Asumi whispering caring words like 'its going to be okay' 'stay with my izuku baby...''dont close your eyes ....stay awake ''he didn't mean any of it izu-kun he's been out of it since-...'but then her voice cut off and everything started going foggy.

'but you know what Asumi...he's right...i'm just a failure ...nothing will ever be okay ....'i thought staring up at her concerned face my vision clouded...

"mum..?"i said putting a strand of hair behind her ear before everything turned dark and quiet.

i opened my eyes to see i was small...smaller than usual..i stared down at my hands to see very small fingers i was also in mothers arms ...she was rocking me back and thorth in her arms humming a beautiful tune which a girl playing in the corner of the room playing with barbie dolls joined in with.the calming era suddenly stopped when a man with short white hair and golden eyes burst in cracking the door anger visible on his face...

"get rid of that thing for the 100th time inko!"the man ripped me out of mothers warm embrace making me let out a loud cry in protest."Hitoshi please let him be... he's your son too why do you want to get rid of him so bad...!"inko shouted angry jabbing the mans shoulders.

"no he's not! have you taken a good proper look at him he's the identical spitting image of Endeavour "he said holding me out towards inko...i saw myself in the reflection of my mums glasses to see i looked the same as how i do now eyes were blue?...(just imagine inko has glasses).

"daddy...?"Asumi said in a sweet voice trying to get her dads attention.he turned towards his daughter his attitude taking a 180° turn his scowl disappearing and being replaced with a happy smile.

"yes baby...?"he asked pinching his daughters cheek playfully."what are you doing with izu-kun?"a little Asumi asked confused.

"nothing baby just taking him to were he belongs..he will be happy there.."he said in a fake cheerful voice.

",b-but daddy i don't want izu to go..."the little girl pouted upset crossing her arms."your not taking my son to that monster you hear me or you can go ahead and leave the fuck out that door"inko cursed clearly angry pointing at the broken door.

the man stayed silent staring at the boy with freckles in his arms thinking..."fine..."he gave izuku back to inko a little smile breaking out on her face glad to have him back.."i'm leaving and i'm taking Asumi.."he said grabbing Asumis little hands dragging her towards he door inko screaming in protest as she placed little me down into a crib running after her husband.

the shouting continued on and on until a loud slap made everything go was so quiet you could hear a pin drop...

"We no longer exist to you or to him...."he said in a deep voice before leaving with multiple bags and asumi slamming the door behind him.

the house was now once again quiet as inko walked up the stairs she picked little me out the crib and started rocking me once again humming the same tune salty tears gliding down her face landing on my tiny hands as i cupped her red cheek staring into her emerald green orbs as she burst out crying even more.her loud cries echoing in my dream joined with her cries from pain in the accident.

i opened my eyes to see i was in a plain room nothing around me just 4 white walls that i felt like where closing in on me.i went to stand up but fell back down when i noticed my hands where cuffed by iron and my feet too.

Then a sickening smell hit me , corps and blood....i looked down at myself to see my clothes drenched in sweat my hair also sticking to my fore head,i went to brush it out the way when i felt something sticky in my hair...i pulled my hand out cautiously seeing more blood.

"what happened?..."i mumbled questioning myself.i gazed at the metal door hearing the quiet clicks of someone undoing the locks and muffled whispers ,male and female.

in came Asumi a beaming smile plastered onto her face reaching ear to ear as she played with her fingers ready to jump at me but respecting my personal space this time knowing what happened last time and a sick looking dabi holding his nose smelling the dead people some where from the basement.

i laid my eyes back onto Asumi taking her features in carefully remembering my dream double checking if what i saw was reality or an illusion.her hair was like mums a light green now pinned up in a half up half down style a few titches falling down the front giving her an innocent look and her eyes were the same exact shade of green as hers the same beautiful glimmer in them.

this made me tear up as i hung my head trying to hide my tears from the villains embarrassed but i couldn't stop myself from letting out a few sobs ,tears falling down onto the ground."dabi can you give us a few minutes please i would like to speak to my brother...."she said more like an order than asking giving him a side glance as he nodded leaving the room silently shutting the door behind him.

she strolled over to me silently the clicking of her mid height heels echoing around the small room her wide smile now gone.i was still facing the ground not ready to face my sister i forgot about and has become a villain by chose.

'how could i forget about one of the most important people in my family.....why did she become a villain?did hitoshi make her?is she like everyone else?is she going to use me too like everyone else did?how can i face her knowing all of this?what....what am i supposed to do...?'

i took in a deep breath realising the clicking of heels stopped and i saw a shadow looming over me ,but i stayed still not prepared ,the feeling of guilt and anger eating me up whole.

"izu-kun...i m-missed you"Asumi said embracing me in a tight hug making my eyes open a small gasp escaping my lips shocked...does she not remember who i am?what i did?

i started tearing up once again shutting my eyes trying to force the tears back."izu-kun you have no idea what happened ...i was so worried about you...i thought you might become a hero not knowing what they do...oh my poor izu-kun you don't need to worry no more, everythings all right now your on the rights side ...i won't let anyone hurt you my baby"she said still hugging me as i started crying even more soaking her dark purple jumper.

i pushed her off of me roughly letting out a scream filled with pain"don't touch me!!"

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