chapter 28

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I was speechless.i glared at him infuriated"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!"i screamed about to punch him when kurogiri got in-front of me and took the hit instead passing out.

I grabbed the man child's collar and picked him up from the ground and slammed him into the rock he hid under a second ago.

"Why are you doing this!what about us!we're going to get captured at this rate tomura!...i thought we were family!..."i said shaking him trying to 'wake' him up.

But he stayed silent not uttering a word just staring at me through the hand on his face emotionless.

I scoffed and threw him to the ground
"We will talk about this with master when we get back..."i spat before running towards Asumi to protect her from the members of the class.

Nearly the whole class was in-front of me ready to attack.there was no way i would win alone but our escape rout is hurt and out of it.i need to buy time so that kurogiri can get the others our of here......that is if he wakes up...

I picked up the large rock with my telekinesis and threw it at the class.most of them dodged and Iida smashed the rock by kicking it with the speed of his engines.

I put my hands together and made a large glowing ball of blue and green fire and blasted it towards them making a big wall of fire with a coating of the telekinesis wall i made in the entrance exam keeping them back and from getting near the injured villains.

My nose started bleeding from the amount of energy it took to keep the fire burning and to keep the wall up.the class kicked and punched the wall,they did everything and anything they could.mina tried to melt it and todoroki tried to freeze it but the wall was strong and least for them.

Kurogiri finally woke up and created a warp gate after receiving a telepathic message from master to retreat immediately.Asumi dragged Shigaraki into the gate while smirking which was kind of odd but i would have to ask her about that later once we've all escaped.

Once they got through i too was going to go in when All might smashed through my wall and i fell back the air from his punch blowing me away.i got up and got ready to run towards the gate when i realised that all might's punch created too much wind and closed the gate.

I was stuck and had nowhere to go.....the whole class surrounded me including bakugou"your not going anywhere ever again deku!..."he shouted and the class came charging at me at the same time summoning their quirks.

Momo threw grenades at me while mineta tried to stick me to the ground using the balls on his head,ochako tried to touch me so that she could make me float but i kicked her really hard in the knee breaking it everyone stopped hearing the sickening crack but they started attacking again after but with more of the class.sero wrapped his tape around my arms but i burnt them into ashes while kaminari tried to zap me i dodged most of the attacks and punched them a few as well when i fell forward after being hit in the back and having the breath knocked out of me by ojiro.

I winced felling the hard impact his tail made with my back but rolled over dodging fropys tongue from circling around me.i jumped up onto the dead nomu which fell back down after it died and pulled out a knife from my calf.

Where are they? Ill get caught at this rate?...they are coming back for me!..aren't they?...

Bakugou tripped me up and pinned me to the ground.i couldn't get up i was out of breath from dodging everyone and i was dizzy from the amount of times i had to spin to avoid an attack.

"Its over deku...."he said burning my wrists.

I screamed feeling the all too familiar pain which i had forgotten how bad it really felt up until now."let me go!!"i wiggled out from under him but ended up bumping into something large.i turned around and saw all might smilling down at me.

It felt like i was full of energy seeing my most hated enemy.he ruined my life he needs to be perished...

I jumped up and put all might into a weird head lock using my legs while i punched his face over and over.he was way stronger though and got me off of him easily.


I fell to the ground and todoroki froze me against the floor but i melted it using my flames.

Where are you!!? Im still here...please if you don't come i'll-

I was elbowed in the stomach and thrown over someone's back making me fall once again and finally bakugou restrained my arms while todoroki restrained my legs after they noticed i was too weak to fight back any longer...

I looked up to see All might grinning at the class congratulating them on capturing me with minor injuries and little effort because of their team work.

I was getting tiered...very felt like there were weights on my eye lids dragging them to shut and my arms were numb the pain long gone just numbness left and my legs were shaky and stiff.

I rolled my eyes to look at the hero who was holding now an empty syringe a tiny bit of purple liquid at the bottom.

My supposed to be family...left me I'm some disposable item...some thing you can replace and forget makes sense though..i gave them everything they asked of...but was our friendship that trash?.....that rubbish?...was this an act all along....did i fall for their traps like kacchan fell for mine?....what's my purpose? i just something to use?am i just an object? i not worthy of being kept in the league?...did Asumi not value me as her brother?.....whats even real anymore?...did kiko kill mum or did all might? i the son of endeavour or not?......what does it matter anymore...i have no reason to live anymore ,there is no reason to keep on living to suffer

'They are the real villains not us..''YOUR A TEST SUBJECT AND YOU WILL NEVER BE ANYTHING MORE OR LESS''your such a cry baby...''pay attention in lesson since you are the brains of the league..''''its all mights fault...''your not my son....''you were basically a new born when i left of course you wouldn't remember....''i looked for you everywhereeeee''i thinks its best if you aren't part of the mission anymore''we're not leaving until the hero is still breathing..'

Thinking back now all i can remember about my past is that particular scene when dad and Asumi left nothing other then that...could i have been tricked?brainwashed or manipulated?...i don't know anymore...maybe Asumi isn't even really my sister...but how am i a cat hybrid then? so confused...i don't wanna think anymore i just wish it was all over and done.....i got captured...shows how pathetic and weak i still am....nothing changed since mum still the same old deku that used to get beat up and bullied....what am i supposed to do now?.i don't want to have to start again...and i don't want to spend the rest of my life behind bars either..the only option to stop the pain,the agony ......

I quickly pulled a knife out of my waist band and pushed the blade deep into my flesh with the last bit of strength i had piercing my heart while everyone around me stared shocked and concerned.

Is this...........

I smiled up at bakugou and all might one last time before i closed my eyes for good and hoped that i would never wake up again...

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