chapter 41

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"thats a great question....i didn't actually want to become a hero for a while now, i'm in rehab at UA"i said still looking at the stars."rehab?"kota repeated picking up the bowl of curry."i'm a b class villain.."i said making him choke on the curry and step back slightly scared."don't be scared that was like nearly 2 months ago and you see this.."i showed him my bracelet."i wouldn't be able to hurt you in anyway because this monitors me at all times and if my heart rate accelerates just by a little bit or my blood pressure rises mr Aizawa would go looking for me.."i laughed looking at him.

he sat back down and continued to eat his curry."right now though i am trying to become a good hero because thats the only way i can protect the ones i love...."i said looking back towards the forest."can't you do that as a villain as well?"he asked adjusting his hat."oh yh sure i could i got caught and two that's not a safe way...there would be opposing villain organisations looking for me since i'm strong and fun fact i'm related to endeavour so thats another reason but don't tell anyone..."i whispered playfully.

"i hate heros like a lot because one killed my mother and at the moment theres not many people that like me because of my past with villains and what i did becoming a hero i can become strong and protect gives me a reason to live you know?.."i said looking at the moon."who's toshinori"kota said finishing his bowl and putting it down by his side."the only person that hasn't left me behind..."i smiled sadly.

"now kota tell me...why do you hate heros?"

"my parents were heros...."he said taking his hat off."and they were killed by a villain with a prosthetic eye as they were trying to save people."he sniffed while looking at me."hero's shouldn't have to die for others sake you know i think its stupid...why would you give your life for other?"the little boy asked himself looking up at the sky.

"they did what they thought was'll understand one day why heros fight when you will have someone you need to protect..."i said making him turn bright red."wait are you blushing.."i teased him making him get angry at me while i just laughed.

"thanks for telling me kota..."i said ruffling his hair."yh..whatever.."he said.

'he reminds me of myself'i thought still ruffling his hair when we heard a loud bang.

we faced the forest to see that one part was glowing in bright blue flames and some other area was full of purple foggy smoke.'why are the league here!...'i thought knowing the forest fire is dabi's doing.

i looked at my bracelet(which is also a watch)to see that our activity started 15 minutes ago which meant both classes were down in the forest."kota we need to leave now!"i said picking him up."w-wait whats going on!"he screamed confused."villains kota!"i said running back towards the rocks i jumped over when i found kota but out of nowhere a buff man twice the size of me moved the rocks out of the way and walked into where we stood.

the man wore a long black cape that covered his whole body and had a plain white masks with random holes on it covering his face.kota started shaking in my grip seeing the villain not even 10 feet away from us.i looked around for any other way out but there was none.the place was surrounded by massive rocks and there was a ledge where you could see the forest but you would instantly die if you jumped off.

the only way out is to fight,but Kota's here...i can't protect him and Mr Aizawa doesn't know where i went..i'm pretty sure he's looking for me right now since they're probably here for me but i can't expect any backup...

"who are you?are you with the league?"i said while putting kota back down gently motioning him to go as far back as possible to the rocks.the villain just laughed while pulling his hood down and taking his mask off.

the man was around 6,3 and he had short messy blond hair that looked like he cut himself and he had a prosthetic eye.could this be who Kota was talking about?....

"the league made you look and sound like a god but to me you look like a stray dog"the villain said taking a step closer."i don't care what you think of me,why is the league here?"i said also taking a step back.

"ooohhh you have a big mouth don't you..."he said smirking."i don't really know either all i know is that we have to recruit two students..."he said casually taking his cape off and throwing it onto the ground.

"two?..."i asked confused." and a ash blond with piercing red eyes the cat girl said...she wants her brother back i guess....or maybe your just her little toy that she's not done playing with yet.."the villain laughed."shut up!"i glared at him my eyes starting to flicker blue and green."what?.....did i hit a nerve?she did say you have a short temper....."he continued to annoy me while kota stood at the back crying seeing his parents murderer.the news that morning replaying in his head how the reported announced their death and mandalay trying to comfort him.

"don't tell me your annoyed over the fact that they left you....i mean you saw it coming didn't you?"i jumped at him and kicked him around the head making him stumble back wards.

he grabbed his jaw in pain and glared at me."my turn..."he said running towards me while i summoned some fire into my palms and grabbed it making my fist get enveloped by them.


"where's Midoriya!?"Mr Aizawa screamed at some of the students he saw.

"we don't know we thought he would be with you!"mina yelled from a far running towards her home room teacher along with kirishima,kaminari and sero.

"we need to find him right now or else he'll go back!!"he instructed them telling them to split into twos and look for him in the forest.

quickly Aizawa remembered he had a bracelet that was connected to izukus and checked it to see his heart was beating abnormally fast and his quirk was in use at level 6.quickly he started running again to go find the green cat so that she could tell him where he is since she has a location quirk but there was to much ground to cover and not enough time...he just hopes he won't betray them again.....


asumi's pov:

"has anyone found him yet?"i asked twice but he just shrugged while creating a copy of dabi.i groaned annoyed "don't worry asu-san i'll find him!!"toga cheered getting a nod of approval.

"kill everyone that gets in your way and bring me back izuku midoriya and bakugou katsuki"i said handing her a knife coated in rat poison.

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