chapter 34

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I ducked out from underneath him and tried to whip the blood off my face."tell me everything....."i said interested.

He chuckled but complied and started talking."since the day i turned 4 enji or more like endeavour the no.2 pro hero started putting me through intense training that was worst then anything you could imagine.i was a late bloomer like you and until my quirk appeared at the age of 7 i was burnt and tortured until it came out to protect me.once that happened he started fighting me not going easy me at all and giving me no breaks.everyday i collapsed from exhaustion and pain and he didn't care,he found the pain of his family amusing.not only did he hurt me but my mother as well when she tried to help me.the last time i saw her was when i was about 6 or 7 and that was when she poured boiling hot water onto my left side calling it disgusting.i never saw her again after that.father said he taught her lesson which landed her in a mental hospital for the rest of her life.i refuse to use my flames...i refuse to use his side as long as hes around and breathing.even now he still hasn't changed....all he cares about is his "son" overcoming all might.i became a villain to avenge my mother and to silence our father for good."todoroki said putting his hand over the scar under his blue eye.

I nodded."funny...."i said smiling making him glare at me."were kind of the just had it easier..."i said choking on my words tears forming in my eyes.

His eyes widened seeing i've started crying."i'm sorry....what you said kind of hit home....."i laughed whipping my tears off.

"Well since i know your back ground now and you know who i am....its only fair i tell you about me......"i said getting comfortable on the floor.

"It all started about a year ago on a Saturday morning in the and my mum had left on my birthday to get the newest all might merchandise that had just been released the day before when the mall was attacked by a not well known villain kiko the earth the time i was like a bunny..scared and fragile and stood frozen when the villain started robbing and hurting mother inko...she tried to stop her and i just stood and watched.she ended up getting a few yards away while my mum was stabbed and passed out in my arms because of too much blood loss because the heros were more focused on getting the villain into the police van safely than helping an extremely injured citizen...."i said rolling my eyes.

"Later that day she was admitted to hospital were she was treated but there was low chances of survival because she had rare blood which no one that we knew had except one...... my bully....Katsuki Bakugou.."i said smiling.

Todorokis mouth was gape open hearing the familiar name."are you talking about....The explosive boy in our class?"he asked trying to make sure if his ears are playing tricks on him.

"You heard right....he used to beat me up and taunt me in and outside of school.he was the worst.....and when he had the chance to be a hero he blew it.its not me who needed help it was my mum but he still wouldn't do it....that day my mum died and i swore i would kill him...and i haven't forget that to this day...."i said putting my hands behind my neck my eyes flashing blue and green.

"After that i stayed home and started eating junk and staying up all night...i looked for the villain and after a week i found her and thats also when i found the league.they let the villain go and i tried fighting them.they showed me things i never thought could happen to mothers past and how i came to be....that's when i realised who i really was and i ended up joining the league blinded by rage.i was trained and tortured a lot but i made friends with them....nearly all the time i was treated like trash but still it was like they were like my family.i thought if i just kept taking it ,it would calm down and they would finally accept me and i thought they did but from the USJ accident it seems like i was just some sort of plastic bottle you can throw away. i thought what we had was something special and different from any other relationships but i was wrong.....i saved their ass i gave my life for them and they didn't even think to look back not only come back for me!!...."i shouted hitting my head against the wall my hair turning red.

Todoroki bent down to grab my hand but i smacked it away thinking it was dabi."s-sorry...."i muttered looking at him apologising.

"I actually met my half sister.she looks exactly like mom....long green hair and beautiful bright eyes.maybe that's why i stayed...because if i left it would've been like leaving mom again....i also worked with dabi our brother...he acts very much like you but hes quiet scary at first sight i must say an-"todoroki fell onto his knees making me stop talking.

"Ugh....shoto?"i asked looking at him.his face went pale and his mouth was slightly apart.

He lifted his arms and grabbed my shirt pulling me forward."T-toya...?toya todoroki?..."i nodded confused.

"Yes but what are you doing?some personal space please..."i said shoving shoto off of me.

"Hes been missing for over 12 years..."shoto said tears sliding down his face.


It was the next round of the sports festival and first up was me and this shinso dude from 1-B.

We both walked onto the platform the boy with pointy purple hair smirked and started talking."are you the villain all of UA has been talking about?dekiro? must be rubbish if you got caught?what about your villain friends where are they?..."the boy asked walking towards me again while i stood trying to hold my mouth shut.

mother fucker....

His words pulled more on the strings tied around my heart cutting through it like a knife.but still i kept my mouth shut bottling my feelings up just like i've had to in the past.

"What is it?to scared to speak?...maybe that's why they threw you away...because your a nobody and a useless object....."he said hitting my last nerve.without saying anything i tackled the boy onto the ground hitting him in the nose a few times and junked him out of boundaries after breaking his nose and jaw.

"Next round against Izuku will be Todoroki!!"present mic screamed through out the arena.


"Look i know your my brother and everything but....i will win this festival with only my ice and i will be the one to kill endeavour..."todoroki said walking out the alleyway.


I will win this......i need to be the one to kill endeavour...

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