chapter 26

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Soon i had to go home and so me and toshinori exchanged numbers.i walked home with a large smile on my face, the league stared at me weird when i got back seeing i'm all giddy but had red and puffy eyes from crying.

I laughed it off tho and went into my bedroom and got ready for bed.i have to protect Toshinori and to do that i need to get stronger and the only way to do that is to put effort into training in and outside of school...and maybe treat people a little nicer ever though i don't really want to. .....

Next day i woke up well slept and went to school like usual not forgetting to cover my freckles and put in my contacts.

This morning when some people greeted me i greeted them back like a normal person with a smile and not like how i used to with a frown and in a grumpy tone.many people stared at me in confusion which i found funny seeing their eyebrows raised waiting for the"ha I'm just all suck"but it never came and the whole class now felt a lot more comfortable in my presence.

That mood soon changed though when kacchan walked in with his hands stuffed into his trousers pockets and with an angry scowl.

Everyone became more quiet and the atmosphere in the classroom also became quiet tense.

"Everybody sit down class began 2 minutes ago..."aizawa said walking in

'Says the one who's late.....'the class thought together

"Were going to USJ so change into your hero customs and meet me on the bus in 15..don't be late or you will be left behind.."he said walking back outside.

Luckily i just made it on time onto the bus before it left but on the way there i thought about what i had to do and couldn't think of i meant to help shigaraki and the rest?or the heros ?i know he told me i'm no longer part of the mission but ....for the first time in a while i felt guilty thinking about working against my family but i also didn't want to hurt my class so what am i meant to do?

We arrived shortly after and everyone got off the bus and walked in to be welcomed by the pro hero 13.

I was about to fall asleep standing up listening to the pro hero talk about the history of heros and different ways they used to save people from different disaster accidents while everyone else was staring at the hero interested and excited.the only person that didn't listen aswell was Kacchan only finding attacking and destroying things entertaining.

I rolled my eyes and noticed a black hole opening in the middle of the field. i recognised it as kurogiri's warp gate and smirked but stayed quiet about it until it was too late for the hero's to close it.

"Sensei is that part of the training?.."the guy with spiky red hair and shark like teeth said pointing towards the centre.the pro heros turned towards the commotion and saw villains of all sorts walking through.

Some had knives for hands,some had things growing out from their bodies like wings or wines and some had disoriented faces with sharp long teeth and claws but the main ones stood by the gate not moving while the weaker ones ran into their dooms.

Is shigaraki really underestimating the hero's this much?i chuckled and pulled my hood up while i walked away and sat down to observe all mights supposed to be end even though hes nowhere in sight.

Kurogiri quickly appeared infront of the class but as soon as he appeared a blur of red and blonde went to attack him but of course they missed and their fists went straight through.they jumped down and snarled at the villain who laughed.

The villain hurriedly teleport ed the class to different areas of the USJ but some got out the way  since Iida pushed them out the way just in time.

The villain growled and rushed after the teenagers but no.13 activated her quirk and tried sucking up the villain with it but the villain resisted.

"IIDA GET REINFORCEMENTS WE NEED ALL MIGHT!GO HURRY"she screamed while kurogiri quickly created a warp gate behind no.13 destroying her back.

Iida seemed conflicted.he didnt want to leave his friends and the hero's to fight for their own while he was somewhere else.the guilt of someone dying while he's not there would eat him away....

"IIDA GOOOOO!!"the pro hero no. 13 screamed one last time before passing out on the floor next to kurogiri.Iida made up his mind and charged up his engines dashing out from the building while Kurogiri was tailing behind him.

I laughed looking at iida's frightful face.reminds me of how all the people and pros i killed looked before they died.

Bakugou's pov:

We were surrounded by villains but they were weaklings so me and shitty hair could easily take them on.

Once we finished beating all the villains to pulp we tried to find our way around the maze of abandoned and wrecked buildings until we came to a clearing and saw a blood bath.aizawa was on the floor bleeding under what looked like a purple monster with a birds head and brain exposed and our classmates trying to fight off the other less important villains but failing as there are too many.

Me and kirishima ran towards the purple monster and went to punch it when we were blown away and we landed in water from the ship wreck zone.

"Shit.."i cursed shaking my head trying to get the water out my ears while kirishima coughed after swallowing some of the water accidentally.

We both got back up and went back towards it when we noticed a villain with pastel blue hair and hands all over their bodies trying to reach for Asui who was frozen in fear.

I changed courses and ran towards her with all for one at 5% and pushed the man out the way his hands landing on the floor making it crack and decay.I frowned and let out a warriors cry while i fought the man but he was stronger and smarter then the others, his fighting style was also a bit familiar like i fought him before or someone else?

"Your pretty strong you know...."the villain complimented me but i ignored him not letting him flatter me.

"If only you picked the right side then maybe-"he was cut short when i kicked him hard on his side with all for one probably breaking some of his ribs.

He winced in pain but laughed.
"What's wrong with you villains your all psychos!!"i screamed kicking him where the sun doesn't shine.

He groaned but still had a smile."now i know why our little hell hound hates you so much.."the villain said looking me in the eye.

"You talking about that thing!"i pointed at the purple monster fighting all might who arrived a few seconds ago"that thing has no emotions..."i said punching shigaraki on the side of his face.

He spat at the ground the iron taste of blood lingering in his mouth"yes i know that..but that's not who im talking about silly....its...him"shigaraki said pointing behind me and so i turned around and saw....











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