chapter 17

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deku pov:

i opened my eyes to be blinded by a bright light but soon got adjusted to it opening my eyes fully to see i was in the nurses office beside me Asumi sat on a chair her hands intertwined with mine while she slept her head laying against my chest.i shook her awake making her eyes flutter and groan."dad....5 more minutes"she said slightly muffled.

i chuckled ruffling her blonde hair(she dyed her hair aswell) her unnatural purple eyes staring fluttering open and into my red ones.realising i'm awake she shot up slapping the back of my head "don't scare me like that again!"she said embracing me in a tight hug choking me.i winced my body hurting slightly still from what happened at the exam which made her instantly let go and get up to get the nurse.

"I think i've been through worse...."i said under my breath without her hearing.

a few minutes after the nurse known as the pro hero recovery girl walked over to my side planting a kiss on my fore head which made me move back a bit and stare at her weird ed out even tho i know her quirk works like that i still don't like it.she's one of the few true hero's that i used to love and adore when i was still 'innocent'.

"you can go home now....."she said kindly handing me a pill to ease my headache which i took gladly gulping it down with a cup of water.after that i put my jacket on and walked out waving bye to recovery girl with a small smile thanking her.

Asumi waited outside biting her nails anxiously."don't worry Asu i'm sure i got in"i said confidently extending my hand to her to help her up from her sitting position on the metal chairs.we walked down the hallway getting weird stares seeing a short emo boy hanging with what looks like a very happy innocent girl but i just ignored them walking out with my chin held high while Asu did the same mocking my behaviour finding me funny.


(next week)

me and Asu sat infront of an old house on the floor in our cat hybrid forms waiting for my acceptance letter to come.since we live at the hideout we didn't really have an address to send it to so we just said a random one down the street from where we live.we waited around an hour or two and finally the post man arrived staring at us confused but gave us the letter anyway leaving to give the rest of his letters out before his shift soon as he left i ripped open the letter not being able to wait any longer as me and Asumi looked at the little machine thing that fell out with confusion and interest but that turned into hatred when we saw all might pop on the screen smiling his ass off. 

all might said i got in and i came 1st drawing with kacchan.i broke into a huge smile jumping up dancing ignoring the fact all might told me this and so did Asumi squishing the hell out of me.

we went back to the league happy and cheerful pushing each other playfully making up for the years we were separated from each uniform came along with the letter long after and i hung it up on my wardrobe silently proud of myself that i got into the number 1 hero school my old dreams not completely vanished a little desire to still save people with a smile still there just somewhere deep and hidden.

the next day me and Asu woke up again at the same time getting in to our uniforms, combing our newly dyed hair and putting in our contacts and finally brushing our teeth before going down to have a piece of toast and exit out the alley way towards school.

i left the top button undone because it was suffocating me and wore my tie loose around my neck finding it uncomfortable.on the way to school we talked like normal siblings would, talking about schools and her new 'friends' Asu had made in her class 3-a.

once we got to school we went our separate ways to our classrooms.walking down the hallway i spotted my classroom 1-a finding a huge door ....over exaggerated in my opinion but whatever....

i pushed the door open to see chaos already.i groaned looking at the angry spiky hedgehog and a blue robot fighting about manners which they clearly both didn't have shouting at what?i looked down at my wrist watch reading 8:40...i didn't even have time to have my morning apple juice.....i sighed staring at the ground upset for missing out on one of the most important parts of my day.

i ignored them walking past them taking a seat in the back corner of the room laying my bag next to my feet and resting my head on the table seeing some familiar faces and some new ones.

not to long after i fell asleep on the table a habit i got from dabi falling asleep every fucking where i was awoken by someone slamming their hands on the desk making me look up a dangerous intimidating glare in my eyes as the girl i saved chuckled nervously rubbing her hands together.

"uhh...i just came t-to s-say thanks f-for helping m-me at the exam w-when no one el-else stopped to help"she stuttered rubbing her neck smiling with her eyes closed while i looked at her with boredom and made small circles on my desk."i was only doing the exam...i had no intention of helping"i said carelessly the girl opening her mouth shocked and slightly upset.

"y-yh sure ugh i'll leave then....."she blushed walking away to her desk in-front of the class.the bell rang and the door opened making everyone go silent seeing a large...yellow caterpillar?

zooming into the creature with my eyes standing by the door i noticed stitches and sewing ....its a sleeping bag....i slapped my hands over my mouth to try and muffle my idiotic ugly laugh.

the man in the sleeping bag hopped in to the class room while talking to us all shocked or confused or not giving a fuck in the world like that girl by the desk across the room with earphone jacks."it took you 8 seconds to be quiet...."realising hes sipping on an orange juice box i cringed making a weird noise while i held my throat thinking about the bitter and sourness of orange juice when i first tried it.

'okay....him being a pro hero that defended the wrong side made him one of the top wanted heros on my target list i've been trying to get rid of but the fact....that he chose orange juice over apple or even peach makes me quiver disgusted...he is on my priority list now...'i thought shaking my head at him squinting my eyes not even being able to look him in the face anymore.

"i'm your new homeroom teacher  Mr.Aizawa welcome to UA high hero department"he said tossing the empty orange juice box into the bin which was behind me making a bit of the left over juice drop on me making me jump up and knock over my chair as i tried to rub off the juice with my sleeve. 

everyone gave me a weird look including the teacher but paid me no more attention and continued speaking to the rest ignoring my presence.

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