Chapter 2

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London was overcast, typical for this time of year. This was the day astrophysicist, Jane Foster, finally managed to pull herself from her loft. For the first time in four months she finally pushed herself off the couch and faced the world in front of her. After trying to cope with another failed attempt at a relationship since the God of Thunder's disappearance over a year ago from New Mexico to return to his home planet of Asgard. It had only been the first time they met, but there was a connection and he promised to return. Yet as the months ticked by there was no word from him, no way to find him. In the end, Jane tried to move on. Then there was the incident in New York City. Thor never tried to visit her, even if she had been involved with someone at the time. That relationship ended with disappointment and heartbreak like all the others.

Though today she was trying her hand at it again by going on a blind lunch date. With an individual a coworker recommended. Jane had all the time in the world now having taken a break from her work these last few months. Afterall, her mentor Erik Selvig suddenly up and disappeared when he said he was onto something big. His involvement in the attack on New York City under the control of Loki changed him in many ways. To a point where she worried for him. No matter how many times Jane tried to contact the man, Jane received no answers.

The astrophysicist gave up trying, knowing Erik would show up when ready. Today was going to be different, turning over a new leaf. Though the date didn't start out exactly as planned. Jane found it difficult to think of something to say and hid behind the menu for nearly ten minutes. But things finally seemed to be hitting off when they managed to find common ground with their conversation. That is, until Jane's intern, Darcy, came charging into the venue ignoring the protest of the host at the door. The young woman dragged up a spare chair to the couple's table. She looked quite out of place with the dark red beanie covering half of her long brown locks of hair that spilled out of the bottom, damp rain jacket, oversized scarf, and partially muddy boots. All in stark contrast to the business casual attire everyone wore.

Jane became increasingly annoyed as to why the young woman was bothering her at this very moment. Couldn't this wait? But Darcy didn't come without important news. The devices Jane locked away and ignored all these months were acting up. Displaying abnormal readings, waving around the hand held equipment. The sight caught Jane's attention, though she tried to deny it. Even told Darcy to ignore it. It was probably just a glitch, and the young woman shrugged, leaving the restaurant. Still, it was clear to the date that the readings bothered the astrophysicist. He told her to go if it was that important.

Jane couldn't say no and apologized profusely tugging on her coat. The woman rushed out of the restaurant before climbing into the familiar waiting car. Darcy grinned in success, as Jane's attention went to the unknown individual sitting in the back seat squeezed between some equipment. She didn't have time to worry about who he was at the moment, reading the information on the screen now back in her hands.

"Knew you were interested," Darcy said. The car pulled away from the curb. "We haven't seen those readings since New Mexico."

Which only meant one thing that had Jane's mind racing.

They pulled up to an abandoned shipyard. The car screeched to a halt from how hard Darcy's foot hit the break. The astrophysicist quickly got out of the vehicle, finally feeling her heart calming down from the near heart attack of the young woman's driving through the city streets.

"Come on, isn't this exciting?" Darcy exclaimed. "Even the intern is excited."

The young man climbed out of the back seat with a large grin. Jane wasn't exactly sure why he was here, or why her intern needed an intern. Darcy attempted to explain his involvement, but the astrophysicist only half listened.

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