Chapter 16

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It was early when Thor woke due to the morning sun streaming through the open curtains. Blearily blinking sleep from his eyes, the god felt warmer than usual. Trying to shift to see what caused it he realized that he couldn't. A weight pressed against his chest and an arm, glancing down. In the night they drew closer together in their sleep to where Anya's head now lay resting on his chest. In turn his arms wrapped around her to secure them in place till they were flush against the other. He rather enjoyed the sight, burying his nose into the young woman's hair and kissing it. Anya groaned in his grasp and shifted, causing him to pull back a bit and watch as her eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning," he spoke.

The young woman's eyes drifted up towards his face. Realizing how close they were, her cheeks began to flush pink.

"Sorry," she muttered, attempting to leave his personal space. But the god wouldn't allow it, keeping his hold firm.

"Don't be."

Anya took a deep breath and sighed, laying against his warm chest once more realizing that he wasn't going to let her up anytime soon. A part of her was glad for that, eyes closing once more. She didn't fall asleep this time as Thor slowly began running his fingers through her hair before playing with the ends and doing it again. The agent never realized before how much she enjoyed that sensation as the early morning continued on in a comfortable silence. Though as more light continued to spill into the room, they could hear the palace slowly come to life beyond the door due to the marching footsteps of soldiers and shuffling handmaidens walking throughout the halls. Even a few voices filtered in from the pathway far below the balcony's open doors.


He hummed in reply, staring up at the intricately designed ceiling overhead.

"We need to eventually get up."

"I do not want to," he said.

She laughed lightly at his childish nature before sitting up just enough to look him in the eyes. His hand paused amongst her locks of hair.

"Neither do I, but we can't hide away here all day. You have to help your father."

Sighing, the prince sat them up allowing the covers to drop into their laps. "Very well..." he grumbled. "I'll escort you to your chambers."

Redressing in her outfit from the day before, Anya waited by the door for Thor to exit the bathroom. He wasn't fully dressed in armor, wrapping a cloak around his shoulders before clipping it closed with a clasp on the left side of his chest. Even without his regal armor on the god still looked very attractive coming to her side and placing a hand on the small of her back.

"I need to find the Warriors Three. Will you be alright alone?"

"I'll be fine," she reassured.

Besides, the young woman would probably retreat to the gardens once more for peace and quiet from any activities that happened around the palace. Nodding as the two came to her door, the prince leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"I will come find you later."

Standing in the room alone Anya attempted to control her ash blonde hair that remained a bit messed up from sleep and headed straight for the bathroom. Bathing, Anya basked in the warm water for a good hour after cleaning herself. Sighing to herself, the agent settled into the water so her nose was just above the surface. Her head started to hurt, hoping that if it was a headache coming on it would quickly pass. Raising a hand so the tips of her fingers were just peeking above the water she moved them a bit and stared. Maybe it was because she hadn't used her ability in a long time? When at S.H.I.E.L.D. and keeping it in too long there were varying side effects that would hit now that it progressed a bit since a teenager. But the young woman felt terrified to let it out in any way due to the Aether. It would just have to wait and be patient until they figured out what to do.

That reminded her, looking towards the counter where her cell phone sat on the edge. Since coming to Asgard the device remained unresponsive. Not that Anya thought it would work on this planet where the concept of towers and reception were completely obsolete. She hadn't been using it either upon realizing that getting in touch with S.H.I.E.L.D. was impossible. Surprisingly the battery life hadn't fully depleted yet. She left it on the whole time and on her person in case something happened. Or if they by chance made it back to Earth and were in a situation.

Submerging completely to wet her hair once more Anya held her breath with closed eyes. There were no sounds from the outside world, only her heartbeat in her ears. The weightless feeling was completely calming, allowing a little bit of air to escape the lips. Her eyes finally opened to watch the bubbles float to the surface. Everything turned red, shocked to see the liquid another color and wondering when it happened. But then there was the dark figure above the surface staring down at her with menacing pale blue eyes. Reaching forward the intruder's hand reached for her neck and Anya panicked. Grasping for the sides of the tub the young woman dragged herself to the surface with speed, gasping for air and throwing herself towards the opposite side of the tub. Water splashed over the edges onto the floor as Anya blinked water from her eyes and looked around the bathroom with terror. But she was alone.

Heart racing and upper body lifted halfway out of the tub the agent paused waiting for the attacker to appear again. Glancing down the water no longer looked red either, slowly settling down to her knees once more. She wasn't calming though, while pushing the wet strands out of her face and shaking. It looked like... Anya thought Malekith...

Leaving the bath, the young woman dried herself off and then the floor, quickly dressing in a new gown. That was enough relaxing for one day. Braiding back the damp strands and twisting it into a low bun Anya rubbed her eyes. Was she finally going crazy? What was that just now in the tub? Her hands were still trembling, goosebumps crawling along her skin, and the headache started to grow. Head shaking the young woman grabbed the cell phone and stashed it in a pocket, while striding across the room towards the door. Fresh air would do some good... hopefully.

Walking swiftly through the halls, there weren't many servants out, thankfully. Coming to the balconies she could see Frigga's garden in the distance. But before making it to the stairs she paused. Something didn't exactly feel right, glancing around the vacant area. Why though? Were the Dark Elves attacking again? Looking around nothing seemed out of the ordinary and none of the guards were rushing out to defend the palace once more. Maybe she was just being paranoid.

A screeching noise sounded in the air. It started out low, causing the young woman to cover an ear thinking they were ringing. But the noise only grew louder with each passing second as she drew closer to the nearest balcony. That's when the sun overhead began to turn red in color. Anya's eyes widened watching as it spilled into the sky before everything around her became consumed by it and the stone below her fingers began to crack and decay. The whole palace followed suit, glancing around the archway and seeing the grass turn brown and shriveled up. What on earth–?

"Anya Fredrickson!"

The shout jarred Anya from what she witnessed, turning swiftly as three figures came through the archway. One was a general, based on the armor he wore, the others merely two of his subordinates and standing a few paces back. Neither looked very friendly as they stared the mortal down with serious expressions, helmets tucked under their arms.

"You need to come with us."

The agent knew better than to argue and went along with them willingly leaving the garden behind.

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