Chapter 26

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As for Darcy and Ian they reappeared on another street a few blocks down surrounded by abandoned cars.

"What the hell just happened?" Darcy asked.

She was caught off guard when something fell from the sky. Two Dark Elves joined the interns and fell back first into the hood of the cars crushing them on impact. The two screamed in fear and alarm, the young woman taking hold of her intern's hand and dragging him down the street.

"Let's go! Run!"

Sprinting they were swiftly followed by the creatures, trying to find their way back to the college and not get themselves killed in the process.

Thor rushed forward as another burst of the Aether escaped the elf's body. But the prince slid under the attack instead of meeting it head on, allowing his arm to come up and slam Mjolnir into the enemy's chest. It threw him backwards through the air and he disappeared from sight. A transparent blue portal seemed to form due to Erik's devices having been activated. Without question Thor rushed forward to follow after Malekith when he came right back through and knocked the prince roughly to the ground.

When the clips ran out there was not enough time to reload. Anya holstered them both. Reaching towards the belt she pulled forth a small black rod. With a quick flick of the wrist it extended allowing it to turn into a baton before pressing the button at the bottom against the leg. An electrical current to run through it, making the weapon far more deadly. Rushing across the space that separated her from the enemy three mirages followed as gunfire rained down. Once in range the young woman ducked under a Dark Elf's arm, smacking the rod against the limb knocking the weapon from its hand. The shock of the touch caused its body to stiffen. The agent swiped his legs out from under him, smacking the rod against its head knocking the creature unconscious.

Bringing up an arm it held off a dagger. Shoving her weapon into the Dark Elf's gut, it started jolting about completely frozen in place allowing Anya to pull the blade free and sliced open its neck. Leg kicking out behind her the movement forced her upper body to become parallel to the ground. The boot slammed into the gut of an enemy before spinning on the heel and bringing down the electric baton while standing straight once more. Elbow snapping back, it cracked into a facemask, dropping the enemy to the ground in pain before she crouched, running the dagger through its chest. The few still living withered around the ground as more spilled out of the ship. Some went running towards the streets to take it over, while the rest honed in on the agent.

Lunging through the air, Thor brought down Mjolnir over Malekith trying to force him to the ground. The Dark Elf raised both arms to cross in front of him and as the attack clashed with the strength of the Aether. It produced a burst of energy that expanded all the way towards the buildings around them, ripping into the ground, throwing the fighting soldiers and Anya off their feet, and shattering the glass windows. The attack merely caused the ground to indent below Malekith, but didn't bring the enemy to his knees as hoped. Instead, the Dark Elf threw his arms back around, the force tossing Thor high into the air. The Asgardian righted himself as he came hurling back in Malekith's direction, body slamming into his own as they sailed through the air. They crashed into a set of cars before passing into a small portal.

Anya groaned, slowly pulling herself to sit up and rub at her back from how hard she hit the ground. Glancing around she saw the remaining elves trying to regain their bearings. She forced herself to crawl towards the nearest body. Ripping one of the guns from the enemy's corpse her finger closed around the trigger as she fell every last one of them with precision. Releasing a heavy sigh, Anya observed the gun in her grasp and decided to hold on to it as yet another pod descended from the hull of the ship. This weapon seemed to be much more effective. The enemy didn't get far as the young woman fired and laid waste to their advances.

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