Chapter 20

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They came to the destroyed throne room where the Dark Elf ship still sat amongst the rubble. Surprisingly there were no royal guards stationed around it, but someone waited. They turned at their arrival, holding a battle-ax in hand with a fierce look in their eyes.

"I will give you as much time as I can," Volstagg stated.

Thor helped Anya climb over the broken columns towards the open hatch, the warrior offering a hand to help when she grew close. She offered a smile in thanks and climbed inside as Thor and Volstagg clasped each other's forearms.

"Thank you, my friend," the prince said.

Nodding, they let go as Volstagg's head motioned towards the ship. "Now go. I hear them coming."

He spoke the truth, the sound of running footsteps from another hall drawing near as Thor climbed in. Loki went to follow when the warrior raised a hand and slammed it against the god's chest. The action effectively halted him before going forward causing all of his breath to rush from his lungs.

"You even think of betraying him," Volstagg threatened. He glared at Loki to express how serious he was. The criminal didn't seem to be intimidated by it.

"You'll kill me?" he questioned with a cocked brow. How amusing, the comment only seemed to irritate Volstagg more. "Evidently, there will be a line."

With a grunt, the warrior released the disgraced prince allowing him to climb inside as well and wait for the coming threat.

Inside, Anya stared around in awe and wonder. She'd never seen a ship like this before, and in the darkness examined some of the controls and the intricately designed walls. Hearing Thor enter she turned and watched him march towards the controls, running his fingers over them and turning everything on. Loki joined his side moments later standing back a few steps as the hatch closed up, but not before hearing outside,

"Stop them!"

There were no windows inside and the agent wasn't sure how they were going to see going forward. Though that detail didn't seem to worry either of the Asgardians at the moment.

Anya pressed her back flush against a wall, trying to keep out of the way and quiet. She didn't want to distract Thor as he continued pressing many buttons trying to activate the ship without success. His actions even made Loki a bit anxious as the sounds of a fight echoed beyond the walls.

"I thought you said you knew how to fly this thing," Loki stated.

"I said, 'How hard could it be?'," Thor said.

"Break open the ship!" they heard from the outside.

It caused Anya's heart to race. She wished to be of some help. The agent had flown a number of ships at S.H.I.E.L.D., but everything here looked completely foreign. And she still wasn't thinking right as a sharp pain shot through her skull. Wincing a bit it thankfully went unnoticed by the gods as they continued to bicker.

"Well, whatever you're doing, brother, I suggest you do it faster," Loki stated.

"Shut up, Loki," Thor snapped.

Still, nothing happened. "You must have missed something."

"No, I didn't. I am pressing every button on this thing." And for added effect the prince began pushing some of the same buttons again in case he hadn't been pressing hard enough.

"No, don't hit it. Just press it gently."

"I am pressing it gently, it's not working!" Thor's voice began to rise.

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