Chapter 30

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Anya stood in awe of the eight-legged horses in the stables. They were much larger than those back on Earth. And elegant in appearance, though more often than not the Asgardians rode into battle with them. Sleipnir was Odin's steed, his coat and mane pitch black in color that glistened in the sunlight streaming through the open windows. The animal greeted Thor fondly, before looking at Anya a bit wary as she stood behind the prince to not overwhelm Sleipnir.

"He's harmless," the prince stated.

Taking the young woman's hand, he pulled her forward, holding it out palm facing the horse. Its head moved forward slowly before finally pressing against the agent's hand, nuzzling it a few moments later. Anya grinned widely, relaxing more and stepping closer to the stable. The animal breathed out of its nose heavily, causing her hair to shift around her face and she laughed at that.

"We can take him out," Thor offered.

"I won't have to ride, will I?"

The god chuckled. "No, you're still getting back your strength. Have you ridden before?"

"A very long time ago. I'm sure I would fall off one way or another."

The two laughed as the prince opened the stable. There was no bridal or rope in his hands, Sleipnir walking alongside them with ease. Behind the large palace, beyond the gardens the young woman usually frequented, there was a large stretch of field hidden away from the public eye. It stretched out towards the mountains far away on the other side of the field, the vast space being occupied by a few other eight-legged horses of different colors. They were grazing, a few picking up their heads at their approach before going back to what they were doing. Thor patted Sleipnir's side affectionately. With a huff the horse trotted out into the field as the two watched side by side.

"All either belong to my father or the warriors," the prince relayed. "They stay here on the grounds so if we ever need to mobilize for war we are ready."

"It's a smart tactic," Anya nodded.

Something pressed against the young woman's back so hard it made her stumble forward slightly in surprise. Turning, Anya took in the sight of a dark gray stallion. It towered over the agent in height, as it breathed out through the nose causing the warm rush of air to wash across her face. Head bowing it pressed against Anya's chest causing her to smile and reach under the jaw to pet the animal. Thor gave a large smile at the sight of the mortal cuddling up to the stallion, talking gently to the animal. And it seemed to be listening to her intently, eyes never leaving her form and even offering a few noises as if to answer the agent.

"That is Gyllir," Thor spoke softly to not break the moment.

"He's beautiful," Anya whispered. The animal nuzzled into her at the compliment.

"I am surprised he even came to say hello. He usually prefers to be alone."

"I think he's a big softy at heart, but just doesn't like to show it around the armored soldiers."

Thor blinked, never thinking about it. None of the maids ever came back here, keeping to the palace, and this field was not open to the Asgardians in the city. If that were the case, something about Anya drew the stallion's attention because of how dressed down she was. These animals were more attuned to their riders and their emotions than those on Midgard.

"You may ride him when you are well." Anya looked at the prince in wonder. "I am sure Gyllir wouldn't mind."

The animal shook his head, shifting closer to Anya and nibbled at her hair playfully. It made the young woman laugh, stroking its neck affectionately.

They walked around the large field, a few of the horses approaching them in greeting as the two went. But Gyllir followed without question. His snout was either pressed against the back of the agent's shoulder or traveled only a few inches behind them. Anya was completely enamored by the stallion and as they moved back inside the palace, the stallion beat one of its hooves against the ground in protest, shaking its head and neck.

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