Chapter 25

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Odin stood alone in the throne room with a heavy heart due to the events that transpired. Due to their treason against the crown, the Warriors Three and Sif were under house arrest for their crimes, while Heimdall was stripped of his sword and taken to the dungeons to await trial. And with the news that Thor and Loki managed to slip away to the Dark World with the mortal there was no stopping them now. Despite his son's actions... he couldn't help but feel worried. His father's own men barely stood a chance against the Dark Elf forces long ago, and though they were fewer in number now, their numbers against Malekith weren't great either. The echoing of footsteps entered the hall, giving away that it was a soldier, due to the way his metal boots hit the floor with every step. Odin didn't turn to greet them though, as the guard came to stand at the bottom of the destroyed dais.

"Forgive me, my liege," the Asgardian spoke. "I have returned from the Dark World with news."

"Thor?" he asked hesitantly.

"There's no sign of Thor, or the weapon, but..."

As his sentence hung in the air it caused Odin to turn and fully face the soldier, questioning, "What?"

"We found a body."

The king looked down towards the ground as the words sunk in, realizing what the warrior meant. "Loki."

The Asgardian looked away and nodded in confirmation. Odin's heart grew five times heavier at the news, turning his back on the room with defeat. Noticing the king's attention no longer on him, a ghost of a smile appeared on the guard's lips.


The drive to Greenwich was a bit tense as the six of them went over the plan while crammed inside the red 1993 Volvo. There weren't enough seats, which forced Ian to sit in the open trunk with the rest of the equipment uncomfortably. It was all a long shot, Anya knew, but without any other options they had to try as Jane turned down a road and sped through a yellow light.

"According to the calculations the Convergence will be taking place at the Royal Naval College," Erik relayed. "Stop right here, Jane."

Pulling over, Thor, Anya, Jane, and Erik climbed out allowing Darcy to get in the driver's seat and her intern to pull himself up through to the front as well. Opening the trunk Jane fished out one of the four devices and her control panel before closing it once more.

"Be sure to surround the courtyard grounds at each point like we went over. Make sure everything is turned on and then get out of range."

"Yes, yes, we heard you for the fiftieth time," Darcy said. "We're going." She peeled off towards the far end of the college in order to park the car out of sight.

"Let's move," Anya spoke up. "They're getting close."

"How can you tell?" Erik asked.

"You're not the only one who had something unworldly messing with their body. Trust me, my gut is right on this one."

As the two interns climbed from the car minutes later, Ian was the first to open the trunk and began pulling out the metal rods Erik had created.

"Focus!" Darcy shouted. She could see the young man was growing increasingly nervous and so was she. "This is important! We have to hammer them in all around the site. Then Jane and Erik activate them from the tower," she repeated their task aloud trying to calm her nerves. Though it wasn't doing much.

"They're taped together!" Ian stated.

"Do you even know what these things do?" she questioned seriously.

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