Chapter 9

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In his cell, Loki laid back on the comfortable bed staring up at the white ceiling. Round ball in hand he tossed it up into the air before catching it to pass the time. Once again, the prisoner finished all of the books that Frigga offered him and he wasn't in the mood to read them a second, sometimes third, time. There was nothing to do and that's what ate away at Loki's mind. The fact that he would spend his remaining days in this cell wasting away his life. Eventually die from boredom most likely. There were so many better things that he could be doing. Like causing mischief and mayhem or ruling Asgard. Those were the only two things that kept him somewhat sane. Loki merely bided his time to escape this stronghold and accomplish what he was meant to do.

A loud noise came from down the corridor, causing Loki to pause with pinched brows. His eyes darted towards the windows watching as five guards went rushing past in full armor, weapons drawn. That was a rather interesting development as he sat up. The lights overhead began to flicker, though the barrier never wavered as the sound of a fight broke out around the bend. Discarding the ball, the god stalked towards the window watching as prisoners that had once been locked away now ran rampant through the halls towards the exit in an attempt to escape. The alarms began blaring as more guards filled the halls, but that didn't deter the escapees. It almost seemed as if they were running from something. Trying to get away as quickly as possible. But what would cause fear to rush through some of the strongest enemies in the Nine Realms?

The creature responsible for the breakout came stalking around the bend moments later. It was the beast from earlier that entered with the latest batch of prisoners brought in during Frigga's visit. He wore head to toe armor that appeared to have the texture of tree bark with how there were cracks and overlapping layers of it throughout. Spikes ran throughout the shoulder guards in place, along with multiple ones protruding out of the back of the head and curling out around the front stopping halfway midair. Then there were those that extended from the top of the jaw and ran low to the chin before hooking up in front of the mouth. There were subtle hints of red throughout the armor that almost took on the appearance of blood, making the beast seem more intimidating as it snarled once releasing another batch of criminals from its prison when breaking the barrier in place. Its eyes glowed with a fierce fire full of hatred as it approached Loki's cell. The disgraced prince took a step back. Wondered what it would do as the creature paused feet from the barrier. After a few seconds the monster scoffed in the god's direction and stalked towards the exit where most of the fighting broke out.

"You might want to take the stairs to the left," Loki spoke up before the beast was out of earshot.

Pausing, the creature looked back at the prisoner with hesitation as to why he would offer the word of advice. Loki's gaze never wavered though to show he wasn't lying. He glanced towards the referred staircase before stalking up to the surface. The God of Mischief grinned widely.


The conversation between Frigga, Thor, and Anya was cut short when the sound of an alarm blared through the palace. They had been walking along the balconies once more when it began as their heads turned in its direction.

"The prison," Frigga stated.

Thor's mind immediately went to one particular individual that could be caught up in whatever was happening.

"Loki," he commented. The queen shared a worried look with her son. Yet the prince hesitated to leave Anya's side.

"Go," the order came from the agent. Her took her hand in his to protest, but was cut off before his mouth could fully form a word, "I'll be fine, just go."

"I will look after her," Frigga reassured.

Nodding to his mother in thanks, Thor gave the young woman's hand a squeeze. He rushed towards the end of the balcony and lunged high into the air. His hand reached out as Mjolnir came flying into his grasp and he shot towards the prison.

"Come with me," Frigga instructed.

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