Chapter 31

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Anya stumbled a bit when her feet hit the ground. The bright lights around her were slightly disorienting during her travel until it suddenly disappeared. Blinking, the young woman shook her head to try and stop everything from spinning as her eyes began to focus once more. There were bricks all around and noticing the narrow space Anya realized that the Bifrost dropped her off in an alleyway. It was daylight out, looking towards the sky and then catching sight of the entrance that opened into a street. There were Asgardian scorch marks on the ground, telling herself to come back later to try and rid of the symbol so no one knew the area had been disturbed.

The street bustled with activity, instantly recognizing the Washington D.C. streets. Stepping out, a few wandering eyes stared at her curiously before being on their way and the young woman drew closer to the curb. Hand rising she tried hailing a cab for a few minutes before one finally pulled over.

"Where to, Miss?" the older man questioned.

"Go to the Homeland Security building and I'll give you directions from there," she answered.

Shoulders shrugging, they pulled away from the curb making their way down the street. Looking out the window Anya never thought she'd be glad to see Washington D.C. like this, head resting casually on the window. She knew the driver would sometimes glance at her from the rear-view mirror in interest, which amused her when he took a few minutes before finally asking,

"Is there a convention?"

"Of sorts."

"If I'm going to one of the convention centers, you can just tell me the address."

"It's in a more secluded area that doesn't have a particular address." The driver didn't ask any more questions as the building came into view and Anya said, "Take a left."

For twenty minutes they drove, as the buildings became smaller and the streets less crowded with cars and pedestrians. Finally, the agent caught sight of the guard booth and armed fence nearly half a mile away.

"This is far enough," she said. "Stay here and I'll get someone to pay you for your troubles."

The man nodded mutely, as the young woman got out and began walking. A few black cars pulled in and out of the gates, but at the sight of someone walking towards them not dressed in uniform or in a business suit caused a few to be on edge.

"Halt!" a man shouted. "State your purpose!"

Anya was only a few feet away when she paused, holding up her hands to show no harm. "Stand down, I'm here on business. My card is in my pocket."

Slowly, the young woman reached with one hand into the folds and pulled forth the item. The guard waved her forward as it was scanned moments later. The device beeped as he read the screen in surprise.

"Agent Fredrickson?"

Anya nodded. "I apologize for not being in uniform, but I've had quite a day. If he's in, I need to speak to Director Fury. And can one of you please pay the cab driver who brought me?"

The agent was ushered inside quickly, drawing attention as they went through the grounds and led inside the main building. Some paused to watch, others whispering. It wasn't until she was in the elevator with the guard that she breathed a sigh of relief.

"You'd think they would be used to seeing odd things around here with who works for us," the man noted.

The comment caused her to smirk. "You'd think."

Walking down the hall to Fury's office wasn't as crowded, but up ahead they saw Agent Hill making her way towards them. The woman's eyes went wide at the sight of the young woman, pausing with a slack jaw. "Anya?" The two sides paused meeting in the middle.

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