Chapter 22

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By Thor's calculations it would be morning on Asgard. He barely slept through the night, and the same went for Loki when they took shifts. Even when the prince slept beside Anya it didn't offer the same comfort like when in his chambers. He was too on edge thinking about what they were going to do once faced with Malekith. The brothers talked lowly about a plan to defeat their common enemy for hours until Anya finally began shifting. It drew both of their attention as they wrapped up their conversation quickly. The prince moved towards the front of the ship. Resting a hand on her shoulder to comfort the young woman, her eyes snapped open. Something was wrong though.

The agent sat up without help to stare out over the edge of the ship to catch a glimpse of the Dark World for the first time. Something laid in wait out there. She could feel it in the distance lurking, searching. She turned to look back at Thor; startling him so much he took a step back.

"Anya," he whispered.

Her irises had turned completely red in color and were glowing, but it was the color of her sclera that made her look frightening. They were pitch black like the pupils and made the mortal look like a demon... a Dark Elf, almost. Even Loki felt a little on edge from where he stood.

"They are here," she spoke softly.

Not a moment later the familiar black ship descended from the sickly looking clouds overhead.

"It appears they grew impatient," the criminal muttered.

Lowering the vessel towards a ridge they landed more gracefully than the first time, completely out of sight. Disembarking, Thor helped Anya down and held her tightly to his side. Without hesitation the god looked her in the eye and saw past the darkness growing inside her, stating,

"We end this today. I will not allow you to be harmed."

"I know."

They heard Loki climbing down from the ship after them. The god hugged Anya tightly, whispering in her ear, "Stay close."

Carefully and quietly, they made their way across the ash-ridden ground feeling the wind whipping through their clothing as Anya wrapped Thor's cloak tighter around her body to keep out the chill. It was a bit hard at first to get her bearings. Everything appeared tinted red like that time on the balcony and blinking wasn't making it go away. The Aether lingered on the surface, she could feel it itching to come out and it took all of her strength to focus. She could hear it lowly screeching in her ears in warning as the three came to the edge of the ridge looking out at the ship. The doors opened moments later as Malekith exited with his beast and a few other guards.

"Are you ready?" Thor questioned, looking at Anya.

She didn't answer or even nod in his direction. The young woman continued to stare down at Dark Elves below having a hard time feeling in control of herself anymore.

"I am," Loki spoke up.

The enemy's head turned in their direction, finally pinpointing their location as the others followed his lead. But they didn't approach. Malekith's gaze solely on Anya as Thor shifted in front of her to block their views. The prince didn't like how intensely the Dark Elf stared at her.

"You know this plan of ours is gonna get us killed."

"Yes, possibly," Thor answered honestly.

The disgraced prince held up his locked wrists and waited. Thor didn't budge as he stared at them in thought.

"You still don't trust me?" Loki questioned with a cocked brow. Honestly, after everything he did for him since being released? The criminal thought that he was being rather generous as of late.

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