Chapter 15

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It had been two days and still the atmosphere remained somber and depressing amongst Asgard. Not that Anya figured everything would be back to normal. Not so quickly, anyway, but she wondered if even over time things could return to the way they were. The king locked himself away with his most trusted advisors and warriors for hours at a time. To try and rebuild the city and figure out how to counter the attack of the Dark Elves. Thor had been busy as well working alongside his father. When Anya couldn't take the confines of her room any longer, after being inside for nearly a day and a half, the young woman rushed out to the gardens taking paths where she had less of a chance to come across anyone.

The agent was aware of the look's warriors sent her way after the funeral, even a few of the handmaidens. She most certainly didn't wish to run into the king, fearing his judgment and wrath for what happened. That's where Thor brought them dinner hours later, finding her amongst some of Frigga's most prized flowers. He joined her, sitting beside the young woman and offering a plate that was gratefully taken. No words really needed to be said, the two seeming to enjoy the silence more. In a way, not eating in the banquet hall was a blessing for it relieved some of the stress from the god's shoulders as they sat out there well into the evening. From between the bushes they could see the signs of the beautiful lake that stretched for miles, Anya's head resting against one of his shoulders and he rested against her head in turn. This young woman was the only one who could make him feel whole in this moment, when everything else seemed to fall apart around him.

Returning inside, Thor walked the agent to her quarters. Looking up at him, the young woman gave him a small smile before saying, "Good night."

But when the god called her name it caused Anya to pause before entering inside. He did not wish to be alone, wanting her to continue being a good distraction in his lingering heartbreak.

"I do not wish to part yet," he said.

Or ever again for the matter, but he didn't want to overwhelm her. When seeing Malekith stand toe to toe with her, the prince was filled with panic and worry. Thor realized in that moment, and the ones after, that he wouldn't know what he would do if she died. Not only at the hands of the Dark Elf, but any of Asgard's enemies for that matter. His heartbreak and emptiness would be similar to what his father experienced now, noticing how often Odin found himself lost in deep thought. Disconnected. And now Thor felt determined now more than ever to find a way to remove the Aether from Anya to save her life. He couldn't lose her as well.

The young woman turned away from the door and asked, "Do you wish to come inside or for me to follow you?"

"Come with me," he answered after a beat of hesitation.

Holding out a hand Anya took the gesture, closing the half-opened door before they walked down the hall. They came to the royal quarters, recognizing the sight from the first time coming to Asgard. Thor's room had not changed much in the year that passed as the god excused himself moving towards the bathroom. Anya waited patiently, looking around the space and taking notice of the wonderful view on the balcony. It was much better than hers getting a clear scene of a mountainscape that disappeared into the water. The full moon reflected off it beautifully and lit up the darkness to a point where she could see fishermen still out on the water fishing. Thor exited the bathroom, rummaging through a drawer before pulling something free and holding it out as Anya approached.

"You did not grab something to sleep in," he stated. "You may use this."

"Thank you," she spoke and disappeared behind the door.

Walking towards the lavish sink the young woman washed her face, having pulled her hair back into a mini, messy bun. Looking at her reflection in the mirror she could clearly see the stress of everything had indeed taken a toll on her. The area under the eyes were slightly dark from lack of sleep, complexion pale. And when drawing close enough to the mirror Anya could swear she saw hints of red moving around the pupils like an aura. The Aether. Now was not the time to think about any of that though, removing her garment and dressing it the large undershirt that Thor leant her. He was so tall the bottom hem of the item reached just above the knees and the neckline nearly hung off a shoulder.

It was definitely not the most scantily clad item she had ever worn, having been on missions where she had to seduce men away to more private areas for information before eliminating them. But this was the first time she was dressed in such a way in Thor's presence. It made her cheeks heat up a bit, shaking her head to not think about it. Quickly freshening up for bed, the agent exited the bathroom to find the lights in the room had been turned off. Thor stood in the open doors to the balcony, leaning against the doorway and staring out at the landscape lost in thought. She took in his loungewear, something she had never seen him in before. A pair of pants that could resemble sweats back on Earth and a loose white under shirt to go with it. It looked rather good on him as she approached his side, lightly touching the god's arm to draw his attention.

He rather liked the way his clothes looked on Anya, admiring her figure only to notice her rather bare legs. The sight caused him to flush a bit at the sight and quickly look back at her face once more. The god didn't want to be caught staring.

"I apologize for having no pants that would fit you," he said.

Anya hardly thought a prince of Asgard would have a pair of lounge shorts in his drawers.

"Don't worry about it," she reassured.

Though she was trying to not blush in his presence. Thor looked absolutely exhausted wrapping her arms around his middle tightly pulling them close together. Her head rested against his chest as both of the prince's arms wrapped around the young woman in return.

"Let's get you to bed," Anya whispered softly.

Silently, the god nodded as she took his hand in hers and led him towards the king-sized bed. If the young woman thought her sheets were soft and comfortable, she was sorely mistaken. His were of finer make, which made sense. She was only a guest in the household as they climbed under the covers. The sheets were so light it felt as if nothing covered them as they faced each other. And lying there in the silence Thor now didn't feel so alone. It was a nice feeling as he reached forward to cup the young woman's upturned cheek and stroked the surface with his thumb.

"How do you feel?" he asked quietly.

"I've been better... as I'm sure you have too." He gave a small sigh to that, closing his eyes. "What are we going to do?"

"I am not sure. Not yet. But we will figure it out."

Leaning forward he kissed the agent's forehead slowly, causing her eyes to close as his scent filled her senses. It was a pleasant smell that completely relaxed Anya for the first time since the attack.

"I promise."

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