Chapter 38

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Removing a floorboard in the bedroom under the bed, Anya fished out a spare dark blue, skin tight suit that held no S.H.I.E.L.D. emblem on it. A stocked weapons belt followed before walking to the closet and digging around for her boots. When finally dressed, Anya tightly braided back her hair and examined it in the mirror so nothing appeared out of place. Once that was in order, she stood straight observing herself. Her heart picked up speed. The time had finally come to return to the field. If Thor or herself didn't think she was ready they would have voiced it and she would have remained behind. Even if Fury didn't like it. But the agent felt nervous, something she hadn't experienced since first joining S.H.I.E.L.D. years ago. What if she slipped up? What if she didn't have as much control over the Aether like she initially thought? What if the Aether became overwhelmed since it wouldn't be secluded anymore and went haywire? What if she hurt an innocent?

So many questions and she was psyching herself out, head shaking trying to calm herself with deep breaths to center herself. She could do this. The Aether would remain buried, and she would remain in control. This is what she trained for and could no longer sit on the sidelines. She needed to know what was going on outside her secluded paradise and save those in need of help with HYDRA on the rise. Besides, by now the mortal hoped that she managed to create a somewhat stable relationship with the Aether that it would follow her directions from here on out.

"Ready?" Thor asked from the doorway. Head looking away from the reflection, the god stood dressed in his armor and holding Mjolnir at his side.

Anya nodded. "I'll be right outside."

She wrote Sif a note in the kitchen, should the warrior return and find they had not returned. Everything inside was at her disposal, and asked her to not burn down the house in the process of cooking in a teasing way. Something about Asgardians and the kitchen appliance just didn't seem to go hand in hand. Anya couldn't promise when they would return, but hoped they would meet up at some point in time during their travels. Using a magnet to stick to the fridge, the agent locked up the home and hid the key in the garage. They had already pulled the truck inside so it wasn't exposed to the elements. Making her way across the field towards Thor, he waited patiently staring out over the water in the distance. Before reaching his side, the young woman paused a few inches away in thought once more.

"Thor..." The god turned to look at her, seeing the young woman's unease. "Don't tell the others... please?"

His brows furrowed. "Why shouldn't we?"

He had not wished to share this information with his father for fear of her being imprisoned on Asgard. But on Midgard and among the Avengers they were allies and would be working together in the field. He figured this would be something they needed to know, now that the young woman had made significant progress with the Aether.

"Because of what your brother did with the Tesseract to New York City a year ago." She sighed, looking away from him. "I don't want them to think I could destroy a city."

The young woman didn't want to be placed in a cage in this world either and seen as a liability. The prince's large hand came under her chin, tilting it up so the two made eye contact.

"Your secret is safe with me," he reassured. "And if they ever tried to harm or cage you should they find out, they would have me to answer to."

Anya grinned widely at the answer, standing on tiptoes and tugging the god down by the front of his armor so they could kiss. "Thank you."

An arm wrapped around her waist tightly, pulling them flush against each other. The prince grinned down at the young woman.

"Are you ready to go, my lady?"

Throwing back her head in a laugh, Anya nodded. Arms reaching up they wrapped around his neck for security before burying her head into crook to protect herself from the wind to come. Spinning Mjolnir in hand, it quickly picked up speed before they were shooting high into the air leaving the home far below. Her stomach flipped from the rush, holding on tighter out of reflex, daring a peak over his shoulder. The young woman had to admit the view of the mountains and vast stretch of land surrounding them was absolutely gorgeous from this height. But that didn't mean her slight fear being suspended this high went away. It was different flying a S.H.I.E.L.D. jet. At least inside those there were parachutes if something happened and surrounded on all sides by metal that could also offer some protection on impact with the ground... depending on how high up it was or how fast it was traveling. Anya felt completely exposed, but trusted Thor wouldn't drop her while the Asgardian set their course and they flew off leaving home behind them.

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