Chapter 7

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The portal of the Bifrost fully opened, the vortex swirling with colors as figures began coming through before Heimdall. Frandral and Volstagg were at the head leading a band of war criminals behind them alongside a few other warriors to take to their prisons. Ones who had been causing mischief, mayhem, and war amongst the Nine Realms. At the request of their king, all would wait to receive proper judgment and punishment for their crimes. Heimdall watched them pass with narrow brows. Something seemed off amongst the group, but he could not see what it was. Maybe it was just him being paranoid with the number of criminals that came through as of late? Any of them could try to cause a scene or attempt to escape. They were all, in their own ways, dangerous. Shaking off the feeling, the god turned back towards the Bifrost. He twisted the sword, Hofund, in the opposite direction, closing the path between the realms. Allowing him to stare out into the starry landscape.

In the underground prison behind a barrier that separated prisoners from the corridors, a certain individual watched as the latest batch of criminals came marching in with cuffed wrists towards their new 'homes'. There had been a lot more as of late, which meant that things were a bit chaotic. Something he enjoyed seeing as a smirk touched his lips.

"Odin continues to bring me more friends," Loki stated. "How thoughtful."

"The books I sent, do they not interest you?" a voice questioned elsewhere in the room. He turned away from the marching brigade, eyes landing on his mother, Frigga, who had come to visit. The only one to see the disgraced prince since his capture on Midgard.

"Is that how I am to while away eternity? Reading?"

"I've done everything in my power to make you comfortable, Loki."

She spoke the truth. Out of all the other prisoners, he was the only one to occupy the large cell. Whereas the others held three, four, and sometimes five at a time. They were becoming rather full. He even possessed furniture, while the others were bare.

The cell was pure white in in color, with a comfortable bed for one decorated with plush pillows, green and gold sheets pressed against a wall. An armchair and a foot rest sat more towards the middle, as a table lined a wall with books stacked on top. Another towards the other end of the room held a bowl full of fruit and a glass pitcher for water. There were two solid walls, the other two sporting floor to ceiling 'windows' that glowed gold around the edges to symbolize there is some sort of barrier to keep Loki inside without any hopes of escape. Touching it would not only burn that part of the skin, but electrocute as well. Along one of the solid walls there was a slight cut out into the surface that disappeared around the bend for a bathroom. To hide him away from the eyes of other creatures in the cells parallel to him while bathing and relieving himself. Even his outfit stayed rather regal for being a prisoner, though simple in appearance compared to what he used to wear. Naturally, green and black in color.

"Have you?" he wondered. "Does Odin share your concern? Does Thor? It must be so inconvenient, them asking after me day and night."

The woman gave him an unimpressed look. "You know full well it was your actions that brought you here."

"My actions?" he scoffed. "I was merely giving truth to the lie that I had been fed my entire life. That I was born to be a king. But we all know how that turned out."

"A king? A true king admits his faults. What of the lives you took on Earth?"

"A mere handful compared to the number that Odin has taken himself."

"Your father–!"

"He's not my father!" Loki shouted, turning on his mother with anger in his eyes.

"Then am I not your mother?"

A brief silence passed between them. Loki calmed himself from the outburst and looked at Frigga without wavering.

"You are not."

She chuckled in response, looking into his eyes with a small smile. "You're always so perceptive about everyone but yourself." Loki didn't know how to respond to that. "Your brother asks of you, but doesn't know how to speak to you after what you did. And I am not speaking about the Chitauri invasion on Midgard."

It took Loki a minute to think on her words. Before realizing what she referred to. "The mortal." She nodded. "She survived then. Seemed to be in perfect health in only a matter of days."

"Barely. And he did not take her near death situation well."

"Mortals are fragile, anything can hurt or kill them, something he should know. And having... feelings for one, it will not last. I'm well aware he brought her to Asgard to save her life, and for but a little while longer. You and I both know it is folly–"

The trickster suddenly paused, sensing something out of the norm on Asgard. Though this prison prevented Loki from escaping and using his many gifts beyond the barrier, his ability to sense those around them and their presences hadn't wavered. And this one was like a lit beacon to him. One he remembered well. The god turned to look at his mother with a rather stunned expression.

"She's been brought to Asgard again?" The woman hesitated before nodding. His expression turned to a full-on mischievous grin. "Oh, Frigga. Why do you indulge in Thor's trivial feelings? You know Odin would never approve. He didn't with the last mortal he sought after in New Mexico and she always remained on Midgard."

"This one is different."

His eyes rolled at that. "Her powers, yes, I am well aware. Quite interesting, but oh so underdeveloped."

"It's not just her powers I speak of, and she was never taught properly to utilize her abilities like you and I. For a mortal there is strength in her that few possess. With everything she has been through she's resilient. I admire that about her. Thor's feelings for Anya are different from what he felt with Jane Foster."

"She isn't a god. Not even a demi-god. There is nothing special about her and she will never be one of us. This is all pointless and rather than waste your time you and Thor should move on. Decades happen in the blink of an eye for us and she will be dead in six, maybe seven of them if her profession doesn't get her killed first."

Frigga paced, thinking and watching her adoptive son carefully. "This mortal and you are not so different, Loki."

The prince's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not understanding what she was getting at. How could she compare the two of them? A mortal versus a god?

"She may not realize it now, but someday she could fight and grow to hope to stand beside Thor no matter the cost. Even if she is a 'lowly' mortal, as you might say. You crave the throne and would do everything in your power to claim it, though it is not meant for you. The both of you fight for the impossible dream. That is how you are the same, your persistence. Anya may just surprise you, Loki. All of us, for that matter."

"I wouldn't bet on it, Mother," the prince quickly protested. He did not enjoy the fact that he was being compared to a mortal. Loki was far greater than them. "And we are nothing alike. She is beneath me."

The answer disheartened the queen to hear those words leave her adopted-son's mouth. It was a rather cruel thing to say, but Frigga also knew where his true hatred towards Anya lay. The young woman's connection to Thor spurred the prisoner's resentment towards her. That's why the god tried to kill her during the invasion. If he could find a way to affect Thor, Loki would act on it. Frigga hated that this is what had become of her sons' relationship. She held out her hands for him to take to show some sort of comfort. The goddess knew this was only half of a mask he liked to wear to show he was uncaring. It was in his nature to try not appearing weak. But Frigga never saw compassion as a weakness.

Loki hesitated before taking a few steps forward and raised his hands to place on her. But they passed right through, just like he knew they would. For his mother was in her chambers instead of present in the prison. It was the only visitation method Odin would allow. It made him feel a bit deflated missing her touch and comfort. He'd never admit it though. Loki watched the queen's illusion disappear on the spot leaving him completely alone to his thoughts again.

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