Book 2: Final Chapter

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The two were the last to arrive, the city lights of New York City decorating the streets below them, Stark Tower illuminated in the distance. Feet touching the landing pad Tony used when coming home in his Iron Man suit, Anya was a bit wobbly from the flight and held onto Thor rather tightly now around the waist. The prince kept his arm securely wrapped around the young woman to be sure she didn't fall over and asked,

"Are you ready for this?"

Glancing towards the floor to ceiling windows that lined the lounge area of the tower she watched Tony, Bruce, and Natasha pause in their activities before turning in their direction. Obviously J.A.R.V.I.S. alerted them to their arrival.

"I have to be," she answered.

His grip moved so the hand cupped the back of her lightly wind-blown hair gaining her attention once more.

"If there is ever a moment you are uncomfortable and if something goes wrong just say the word and we will go home."

Anya was happy, hearing those words come out of his mouth. Because he didn't speak of Asgard in this instance, but of Norway. And the fact that he considered it a home for him as well made the young woman's heart beat just a little bit faster.

"I promise you will be the first to know."

Without hesitation or caring that the rest of the Avengers were gathering inside and had a full view of them she tugged on the front of his armor. The god pecked her lips.

"You and Thunder?" Tony questioned.

He opened the glass door for them to come inside and cocked a brow at the action. The couple turned towards the billionaire, Thor beaming with a wide grin while Anya blushed with a sheepish smile.


Most of the team either stared at them with wide eyes or slightly slack jaws as they entered. Natasha smirked.

"Well, that explains a lot," she stated. "Not a word from you for months, even when you were supposed to be on leave, and then I find out you've been whisked away to another realm without a word. Now I know where you went."

"You were on Asgard?" Bruce asked in awe.

"For a while," Anya answered. Then to Natasha added, "And sorry... it was a spur of the moment decision." She didn't want to stay on the topic long where they could begin to pry and ask what the reason was, diverting with, "What's the mission?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is down," Steve spoke up. "For decades HYDRA has been on the inside waiting to make their move and they nearly killed Director Fury in the process."

Anya's eyes widened, now understanding why she couldn't get a hold on him for a period and shared a look with Thor.

"For the time being, the world still thinks he's dead. Not even the Council is aware of his current state. He asks that it stay that way. We were attacked by their secret weapon, known as the Winter Soldier."

"I know that name," Anya spoke up. "I thought it was a myth."

"He is very much real," Natasha stated. "He ran off after we pushed back HYDRA and regained control of headquarters, but he's still at large... And unstable."

"So who is he?" Bruce asked. "Does he have a real name?"

"Bucky Barnes," Steve answered. He looked pained when saying that and hesitated before continuing. "I thought he died during a mission that didn't go according to plan during the war... but it seems that HYDRA managed to find and alter him into a weapon. They figured out a way to properly preserve him in ice like I was. But he's different now and highly dangerous if found at any of the bases we are looking for."

"Brainwashed," Natasha muttered at Anya's side. That was not good if that organization was involved.

"A friend of yours?" Clint asked.

"Back then, yes..."

"Care to elaborate?"

"It's a lot to explain–"

"I think it's important, Captain, just in case we run into him again."

"There's time to discuss that when we're in the air. After sorting out a game plan. What's important right now is that we start looking for Loki's scepter. It was stolen in the chaos and there's no telling what HYDRA will try to do with it."

That news did not please Thor in the slightest.

"A whole lot of bad, that's for sure," Bruce muttered.

The rest of the team couldn't agree more, understanding what was at stake and how this wouldn't be over in a matter of days.

"So where do we start?" Clint asked. 

To be continued...

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