Chapter 13

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It wasn't long before the escapees were thrown back into cells still in working order. A guard from the surface rushed in and spoke in hushed voices that made the Asgardians leave the area in haste. Even Fandral and Volstagg had gone with worried expressions and that pleased the imprisoned god greatly. To see Asgard's finest fret over the invasion happening above. Whoever it was and if they succeeded, he would find a way to come into their good graces so he survived. The disgraced prince was better with words than Thor, so he stood a chance.

As hours passed, Loki waited patiently in his cell when a general arrived. How disappointing. It seemed that Odin had come out on top in the end as the warrior came to stand before the barrier to this cell.

"And to what do I owe this pleasure?" Loki questioned.

He expected the fighter to completely ignore him as always and inspect the damage done. Not stare him down with a hard but mournful look on his features. That struck him as odd.

"I have come to inform you that the queen has died in battle against the Dark Elves," the general relayed.

One could hear a pin drop in the room as the god stared down the man with an ice-cold expression. "You lie," he stated.

But the general's expression never wavered. "She was killed by a large beast. One that had been here in the dungeons." Loki had no retort for that, knowing which one he spoke of. "The funeral is in a few hours' time. You are to not attend, per your sentence. I am only here because Thor has asked it of me."

The Asgardian left for the surface. Loki turned from the barrier to stare at the opposite white wall as the words sunk in. Frigga was dead. His mother was dead. Because of the invasion of the Dark Elves. Because he allowed that creature to wander the halls instead of facing the onslaught at the exit. The secret pathway led out of the prison and around the back of the palace, and if not properly guarded someone could easily find a way inside. Eventually to Odin. But how had it found Frigga instead? If the Dark Elves managed to get inside then the barrier failed, either destroyed or merely ineffective he did not know. Where had Odin been when the Dark Elves faced Frigga? Or Thor for that matter? They allowed her to die and he'd been unable to do anything to save her, while they were traipsing about elsewhere.

Loki's anger only grew from these thoughts before a burst of energy seemed to explode from his form and threw everything inside crashing against the walls. Some wood splintered, a few pieces of furniture breaking on impact. But Loki didn't seem to care as his eyes glowed green, unseen by anyone. All he wished to do right now was destroy something to try and distract himself from the void of heartbreak that seemed to consume him as the seconds ticked by. This had not been his intention in the slightest.

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