Chapter 29

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Slowly, Anya could feel her senses rushing back to her. The once hard ground now warm and comfortable as her nose scrunched in confusion. With heavy eyes they cracked open blurring for a few moments. The young woman blinked at the fact she was lying on a bed, pillow slightly in her vision. Head turning, she found herself staring up at an intricately designed golden ceiling. A familiar pattern that put the agent at ease as she took in the whole room realizing she was in the healing quarters.

One of the women noticed she was awake, rushing to her side of the bed with a smile. Helping the young woman sit up and offering a glass of water she asked, "How are you feeling?"

Anya flexed her fingers and toes to assess how her body was handling after facing off against Malekith. Her brows furrowed.

"Not sore... why am I not sore?"

"You've been resting for nearly four days." Mouthing 'oh', the healer continued, "We've been worried. I'll let the others know you're awake and we can perform a final examination."

Nodding, Anya watched her leave, leaning back into the pillows further and observing the other empty beds in the room. The sun streaming through the windows allowed her to know it was around midday. The agent glad she hadn't woken up in a prison after their escape. And there were no guards around... at least none she could see. Maybe they were standing outside the main doors just to be sure she didn't try running off again.

When the head healer entered, she smiled in greeting, checking over Anya's vitals as the woman from before documented her progress. She asked a variety of questions from how she was feeling, others regarding her mental stability, and wishing her to recall what transpired in the cyclone. It was relieving to know that the Aether hadn't destroyed her sanity, but knowing her part in the defeat of Malekith was worrisome and only confirmed her findings from days ago. Opening her mouth to go over the charts the doors to the wing swung open with force, causing their heads to snap in its direction. With a tired smile Anya watched the familiar sight of the prince speed walk in her direction before leaning down and wrapping the young woman up in a tight embrace. The healers took a few steps back to give them some space and a bit of privacy as the two reunited.

Before Anya could even speak the Asgardian covered her lips with his own in a deep kiss that left her miles behind. Her fingers tangled in the back of his hair to hold onto something to keep her grounded, while his hands cradled her face delicately. Breaking apart, the young woman breathed a bit heavily and a smile stretched across Thor's mouth.

"I am so glad to see you awake," he said. "I was worried."

"I didn't expect to sleep so long," she answered a bit breathlessly.

"Do you remember what happened?"

"Unfortunately, yes." And then another question came to mind. "How were we allowed back to Asgard?"

After what they did, the agent was sure neither of them would be welcomed back. Even if they saved the universe from eternal darkness.

"Father restored Heimdall to the Bifrost after the Aether was removed from the Convergence."

"And the Aether?"

Thor thought back to the moment he woke from his deep slumber. Nearly two days passed and there was still much to do around the palace. He met with his father in the throne room after cleaning himself up in a presentable manner. The rubble had finally been cleared from the room in their absence, pillars restored, along with the walls and main door. There was no sight of the destruction caused in the escape and hoped it would lessen the king's possible rage towards the situation. But now it was time to face him and ask for forgiveness, taking a knee and bowing his head in a sign of respect at the bottom of the steps to the dais. Relaying what transpired on the Dark World and on Midgard, the prince asked for permission to return to the blackened planet to search for Loki's body.

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