Chapter 18

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Thor swiftly moved through the back streets of Asgard trying to avoid contact with any of the civilians and guards. The quicker he got to his destination the better, ducking under a low archway. Pausing in the shadows the prince glanced around watching as five guards marched away from his position and there were no more in sight. Entering a pub on the other side of the street it was more or less empty as the prince grabbed a drink from the bar area. He sat down in the back corner, half facing the doorway and waited. As the minutes ticked on, Thor began wondering if the person he wished to meet wouldn't come at all. Wouldn't even hear him out. In his worry he downed a pint and a half before someone else entered the establishment. The golden armor was hard to miss as the gatekeeper made his way forward, skipping a drink and joining the table. The prince sat up straighter at his arrival as the two stared at each other.

"You were not at Odin's war council," Thor finally broke the silence.

"The Bifrost is closed by your father's orders," Heimdall stated.

Reaching up, the Asgardian removed the golden helmet from its place and rested it on top of the table. There was no need to be formal, his golden eyes observing the prince.

"No one is to come or to go."

Thor nodded in understanding, but still wished he had been there. Maybe then some sense could be talked into his father.

"We face an enemy that is invisible even to me. What use is a guardian such as that?"

He looked completely lost at that declaration for he failed to carry out his one duty. Never had that happened before, his sight had failed him.

"Malekith will return, you know this," Thor pressed in a low voice. He leaned forward catching Heimdall's full attention. "I need your help."

He knew what the prince was asking, knew what he planned. That was one thing that did not escape him. Thor didn't specifically send word for him, but knew the god would be waiting for him at this location to discuss how they were going to get out of this mess.

"I cannot overrule the king's wishes," Heimdall stated. "Not even for you."

"I'm not asking you to. The realms need their Allfather strong and unchallenged, whether he is or not. But he is blinded, Heimdall, by hatred and grief."

"As are we all."

Clearly Thor felt the same since the loss of Frigga, only he acted a little more level headed. Granted, the god was being a bit hasty in his decisions and planning. Yet for good reason. They were running out of time. A darkness was forming around the mortal making it harder for him to see. Like when the Dark Elves attacked. But her situation was different. Her present and future were ever changing, switching between the auras of light and dark, yet the darkness only seemed to be growing the more he looked. Anya didn't have much time left if things progressed as they were now. The Aether would take over her every action and thought the longer it affected her, wishing to break free and use the host for its own endeavor. The longer it was held at bay the greater of a threat Anya would become to not only herself, but Asgard as well. And eventually, when Malekith recovered from Thor's attack, he would become impatient and return with full force to wipe Asgard from its existence in order to reclaim what he wanted. The Aether would willingly follow.

"I see clearly enough," Thor declared.

"The risks are too great," Heimdall reasoned. But there was some doubt on his expression.

"Everything we do from here on is a risk. There is no other way."

The guardian sighed heavily before sitting down, reaching across the table and taking the stein from in front of Thor for himself. There was no other way around it. Heimdall saw it bound to happen eventually, it was just a matter if they succeeded or failed. Based on the events that were to follow a failure could not happen.

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