Chapter 6

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Thor wished to whisk the mortal away towards the dining hall so Anya could eat something. The color to her face slowly returned as they went, but she looked drained. Even if the young woman tried to hide it and be strong like an agent should – even refusing to be carried when leaving the healers' quarters – he worried. The god could see right through the facade as Odin led them through the palace. Coming across a handmaiden, the prince hung back and began speaking lowly to her quickly before she nodded and rushed off. Realizing she had been left alone with the king, the young woman watched Thor swiftly return to her side. His hand pressed against the base of her spine in comfort to show that he wasn't going anywhere. And that meant the world to Anya, not wanting to admit she was terrified as to what was going on. This was nothing like a mission on Earth. Possibly even worse than the situation she had been in when Loki attacked New York City. There were too many uncertainties, not enough information, and if the prince and his father were worried... that wasn't a good sign.

"There are relics that predate the universe itself," Odin finally spoke up.

Coming to a set of doors he pushed them open to reveal another great room. One thing that Anya learned since the last visit: the Asgardians lived large. At least the royals, taking in the high ceilings, golden designs, and lavish decor.

"What lies within you appears to be one of them. The Nine Realms are not eternal. They had a dawn as they will have a dusk."

Scattered about the ceiling, the realms were projected high above, pulsing with life. But that was not what they were here for as the king paused at a platform holding a book. The design on the outside looked beautiful and appeared old with the slight age that had worn into it. The pages inside were truly remarkable. On Midgard one would compare them to illuminated manuscripts with the old and unfamiliar language etched into the pages alongside the illustrated images and gold leaf trimming. Anya couldn't read any of it, as the king continued,

"But before that dawn, there were dark forces, the Dark Elves reigned absolute and unchallenged."

Turning the page Anya stared at the image on one of them. The creatures possessed white skin and pointed ears with black eyes that bore no pupils. They were wearing robes and were otherwise undefined any further.

"'Born of the eternal dark, the Dark Elves come to steal away the light'," Thor read over his shoulder, "I know these stories. Mother told them to us as children."

"The leader Malekith made a weapon out of that darkness and it was called the Aether. While the other relics often appear as stones, the Aether is fluid and ever changing. It changes matter into dark matter. It seeks out host bodies, drawing strength from their life-force." His eye turned to the mortal. "Which is one reason why it chose you to reveal itself wherever it was. Your life-form is greater than other mortals due to your power. It's drawn to it."

The king returned to the story, "Malekith sought to use the Aether's power to return the universe to one of darkness. But, after eternities of bloodshed, my father, Bor, finally triumphed, ushering in peace that lasted thousands of years."

"What happened?" Anya asked.

"He killed them all."

"Are you certain?" Thor wondered. "The Aether was said to have been destroyed with them, and yet here it is."

"The Dark Elves are dead," Odin stated with conviction. But in his expression Anya could see a hint of uncertainty.

"Does your book happen to mention how to get it out of me?" the agent questioned.

"No, it does not," he answered, closing the book. That answer didn't sit well with the young woman, staring after the king as he left.

"We will find answers to this," Thor reassured. "It may take some time, but my father will find a way to return things to normal."

"I heard what the healer said, Thor," the young woman said. "I know I don't have long. I can feel it at times moving through me. And that makes me nervous to use my mirages because I don't know what this... Aether is capable of. What if I lose control like the last two times someone has tried to touch me?"

The god reached forward, cupping her cheek with a hand. "I am touching you now as before and nothing is happening."

"You're lucky then..."

"You're still you, Anya. The Aether does not define you or your actions in these last few hours. For anyone that has accidentally crossed your path they will forgive you."

That was something Anya almost forgot about the prince in his absence. His ability to find ways to reassure her that in the end everything would work itself out. No matter how impossible the situation seemed. The fact that he somehow understood her better than anyone else she ever met, and how every time she needed him, he was there to protect her. It made her heart beat a little faster. Even if they had not known each other for long, Anya could count on him.

"Why is it that every time we see each other someone or something is in danger?" she asked.

He smirked. "You seem to enjoy getting into trouble."

"How else am I going to grab your attention?" she smirked back. "And get back to Asgard? After all, I didn't get to see any of it the last time I was here."

They shared a laugh between them. The young woman reached up to grip the hand still on her cheek.

"I missed you," she whispered. "As cliché as that might sound. There's been a lack of color at base since you left."

"I must admit I have felt the same since being back on Asgard without you."

With her here now it felt right, even with the current situation at hand.

"Come. You are in need of some food. I trust you are hungry after everything you've been through."

Anya nodded. She had gone from one mission to another without rest and now her hunger began to make itself known. Along with the exhaustion from having the Aether now a part of her causing havoc on her body.

"I'm starving."

He smiled. "Good, I hope it's to your liking."

"I enjoyed whatever I ate last time, so I'm sure anything the cooks make will be fine."

Thor smiled leading her from the room once more with a hand pressed against the young woman's spine.

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