Chapter 34

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"Make sure you don't forget anything," the woman behind the cash register said.

Bending down, Anya made sure to scoop everything up with both arms to not make a second trip, smiling at the cashier and co-owner of the establishment.

"Thank you, Lise. I'll see you soon."

Walking outside, Thor loaded wood into the bed of the truck with the help of the other co-owner from the hardware store, the two shaking hands once done.

"Got enough there?" Jan teased.

Thor turned, watching the agent approach and reached out to take a full paper bag from her hands to help.

"I think this will last us," the young woman answered.

Thor voiced days ago that he was interested in starting a project of his own in her garage. The god had become interested in the woodwork around town since arriving and each trip into town alone, Anya tried bringing home books on how one would go about crafting something similar. They were 'How To' books, with fairly simple designs. But he needed to start somewhere and it was an activity that could keep him busy if the prince didn't wish to lounge around the home.

"I'll drop by tomorrow morning," the handy man stated. Anya's eyebrows pinched in confusion as to why, when Thor took the last item from her grasp and placed it in the bed. "Your boyfriend has told me about his recent hobby. I have a few old beginners' tools I don't use anymore that the two of you can have. And I can show you where the best place to start would be."

He was a master at woodworks. Having created many of the chairs and tables outside the hardware store where patrons could relax during errands around town. It was then the young woman remembered Lise voicing her husband's craft before, having built their house in the area from the ground up and carved intricate designs into the exposed wood. The agent had been shown one picture and was blown away by it.

"I look forward to your visit," Thor said. "Thank you."

Climbing into the driver's seat, Anya drove them back through town, taking the long way home. A few on the street waved in greeting, Thor waving back through the rolled down window. The young woman grinned, completely at ease. It made her happy that the prince slowly began to fit in and that those around town had grown fond of the Asgardian when the couple ventured in. Many of the women were more than willing to welcome him with open arms since he was a friend of Anya's.

"She's so secretive!" Lise had teasingly voiced once. "Comes and goes for a few months on end, lives far out of town, and she never has any visitors! At least none that we've known of in the past."

"I like my privacy," the young woman muttered in reply. It caused Thor to grin at the time and hug her into his side tightly.

"She has told me much about all of you since my arrival," the god stated. "I am glad we have finally had the chance to meet."

It was days like this that sometimes the agent forgot she was a member of the Avengers. That she fought criminals, aliens, and other beings on different planets for a living. Being here was grounding. And in some ways... Anya wished to stay forever. Retirement always a hope on the distant horizon, looking over to the prince sitting in the passenger's seat taking in the mountain range. But could he stay? Being the next ruler for the Asgardian throne. Head shaking, the young woman stared ahead once more. They would deal with that when the time came.

Backing up the truck towards the garage once home, Thor began unloading the materials and setting up the work station Anya built the last time he left to handle matters throughout the realm. Leaving the god to his task, it was still early enough in the day that the agent decided to get in another practice session. Changing into yoga pants and a loose top, she walked far off into the field, Thor catching sight of her retreating figure through the garage window. He couldn't help but smile as her shoulders rolled in preparation.

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