Chapter 10

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Below ground two members of the Warriors Three were hard at work alongside the guards to be sure that no prisoners escaped to the surface. At the moment the criminals were being beaten back, but it was a hard fight the Asgardians were up against. Clearly, they were outnumbered, but not outmatched in strength and skill. Whereas the prisoners attacked separately without any plan in mind, those from Asgard were working together knocking them to the ground.

"It's as if they resent being in prison," Fandral stated as he cut down a dangerous individual. The short haired blonde warrior was putting on a show of course. It was in nature to do so and show off a bit with his glorious saber. He was a very skilled swordsman, and that was clear to see as he danced around his opponents with grace and speed that none could match. He ducked under an attack that swiped at his head.

"There's just no pleasing some creatures," Volstagg reasoned.

With a grunt, the hilt of the battle-ax in his hand slammed into the bridge of a prisoner's nose, causing them to tumble back down the stone steps in pain. For a large man he moved with similar speed to his comrade, but his movements weren't as sharp and controlled as Fandral. That didn't bother the redhead in the slightest though, because where he lacked in grace, the Asgardian made up for it with his strength and close combat skills to crush his enemies with only a few blows. Gripping the back of a man's head he forced it to make contact with a knee, effectively knocking the opponent unconscious. That was very satisfying, indeed.

Meanwhile, Loki was unconcerned. In fact, he picked up one of the many books not interested in before and flipped through the pages while leaning against the pillar between the two barriers. The god didn't even flinch as a beast was thrown against the window and electrocuted from the contact, sliding to the ground unconscious. It was amusing really, but Loki knew who would come out on top in the end.

Thor arrived at the top of the stairs that lead to the surface. Five prisoners rushing towards the exit paused. They took a step back upon realizing who stood in front of them.

"Return to your cells, and no further harm will come to you," the prince ordered. "You have my word."

Suddenly, a beast came barreling out of the shadows on his right, effectively punching the god across the face. But it had no effect as Thor quickly brushed it off, gripping the collar of the enemy's uniform tightly. A whimper escaped the prisoner's lips, knowing he'd made a grave error. Especially when looking into Thor's eyes and seeing no mercy.

"Very well, you do not have my word."

Twirling Mjolnir in hand, the weapon slammed into the enemy's face, knocking him back into a wall causing the surface to indent and crack from the force. The prince's words didn't seem to affect the others' decisions. The men and beasts rushed forward in an attempt to escape once again, only to be thrown about and knocked down the stairs.


Anya walked swiftly beside the queen as guards rushed past them in the opposite direction towards the prison. The agent's heart raced with adrenaline as they drew closer towards the throne room where the number of warriors grew in size. The young woman could see them marching between the pillars, hearing the king leading at the front.

"Send a squadron to the weapons vault," Odin ordered his royal guard. "Defend it at all costs. Secure the dungeon."

"Odin!" Frigga called out. She gained his attention instantly, the king shouting, "Go!" to the men before stopping in front of them. "It's a skirmish. Nothing to fear."

"You've never been a very good liar," the queen pointed out.

The god chuckled with the shake of his head, before his attention flickered towards the mortal at her side for a moment. "Everything will be fine in the end."

From among the marching soldiers, something caught Anya's eyes that seemed a bit out of place. A woman walking alongside the royal guard, dressed completely in armor, yet different from the others, wielding a shield and drawn sword. Her dark hair was long and pulled back away from her face, with equally dark eyes that turned on the agent with a look of curiosity. It soon turned to annoyance at the mortal's presence. Anya knew then this must be Sif, whom Thor had told her about all those months ago. She looked like a fierce warrior and opponent, just as he described her.

"Take her to your chambers," Odin ordered, drawing Anya's attention back to the situation at hand. "I'll come for you when it's safe."

"You take care."

With a small smile Odin reached forward to cup the side of the queen's face tenderly, turning his gaze on Anya. "Despite all I have survived my queen still worries over me."

"It's because I do that you've survived this long," she quipped.

Their banter amused the young woman and helped Anya see that there was another side to the king so few could see. While he was a stubborn, powerful, and absolute ruler of Asgard, he loved his queen and people passionately. He would only let his guard down when in the presence of his wife as his expression hardened once more for the fight ahead. The two pulled away. Anya swiftly followed Frigga down the halls. There were servants running for cover, as soldiers continued to rush in the opposite direction of them. The queen reached into the sash tied around her waist and pulled free a small dagger. Anya was rather impressed by its craft and the fact that it had been hidden so easily this entire time.

"You must listen to me," she stated in a serious manner. "I need you to do everything I ask, no questions."

"Yes, ma'am," Anya answered without further hesitation. She was not about to defy this woman in any way as they came to a set of tall doors and entered inside.

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