Chapter 8

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Anya was completely blown away by Asgard's hospitality. Thor led her through the palace halls towards the banquet room pointing out different halls and closed doors that led to other sections and places of interest during her stay. The training room, a lounge area – for the Warriors Three, Sif, and himself to relax and tell stories of their adventures – when not wishing to go to a tavern in the city, the path towards the armory where they held the Tesseract. It was a lot to take in. But the way Thor explained everything with enthusiasm to the fact that he could finally share this with her, Anya didn't stop him. She had been holed up in his chambers the last time, unable to freely walk about, and it left her in awe at every turn. The food that the chefs prepared was something to behold. There was so much of it the young woman wasn't sure she'd be able to eat it all. Thankfully Thor sat down beside her, digging in after Anya filled the plate in hand. Everything tasted so mouthwatering. The young woman wished to keep eating even when slowly becoming full. The amount she consumed surprised her a bit, but the Aether took a lot out of her since coming in contact. During the meal a handmaiden stood just behind them only moving forward when seeing their goblets running low on water to fill again with the pitcher in hand. The servant moved so stealthy there were a few times Anya didn't see her actions. Though that was probably due to the fact that she found herself too busy speaking with Thor between bites.

The god curiously inquired as to what she'd been up to since he left New York City. She explained that S.H.I.E.L.D. began using her now more than ever because her gift came out into the open. In turn, Thor explained his involvement in keeping the Nine Realms at peace since the Tesseract surfaced on Midgard. There had been more civil wars and a growing thirst for power due to Loki's actions. Saying his brother's name brought a frown to his lips for a moment. Hogun's home had been subject to marauders only a few days ago. The member of the Warriors Three stayed behind to help his family rebuild in the wake of destruction.

"Sounds like we've both had a very busy year," Anya said. "I guess when you sign up for the Avengers you don't get a vacation."

The two shared a laugh.

As the plates were cleared away, they left the banquet hall towards the royal living quarters. There, two more handmaidens waited outside the doors and whisked Anya inside to change out of her uniform. Thor waited outside patiently, chuckling under his breath when hear some of Anya's protests to garments they were trying to put her in

"Are you kidding me?" she exclaimed. "There's no way I'm putting that on! Don't you have anything that doesn't reveal so much skin?"

The god smirked, nodding to guards as they passed in greeting.

Finally, the door opened again as Anya stepped out, tugging on the garment she now wore with slightly flushed cheeks. Thor openly stared. He couldn't help it. The outfit more regal than what she wore during her first visit. The dress was blue-gray in color, with a swooping neckline decorated in an intricate design. The fabric disappeared below a golden belt that covered the stomach with an Asgardian embossed pattern covering every inch before the cloth billowed out at the bottom reaching the ankles. The sleeves were just as long at the end, but thankfully the shortest part of it reached the wrists. And who could forget the slit running up one side of the dress revealing more than half of a leg. It came up a little too high for Anya's liking as she fussed with it, trying to pull the dress a little further down. Somehow the handmaidens managed to convince the young woman out of her boots and into a pair of flat Asgardian sandals. The sight made the god a bit speechless, as she looked up at him in mild embarrassment.

"Be honest with me, how bad does it look?" she questioned.

The question broke Thor from his thoughts. "You look like an Asgardian royal," he said.

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