Chapter 28

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Thor rushed from the Tube to the streets above. People were running away to find safety as a strong wind whipped at their clothing and hair trying to suck them back down the road. Thor watched the black and red vortex swirling where the courtyard used to stand. They had been too late to stop Malekith from unleashing the Aether.


The god noticed Jane and Erik sprint towards him through an alleyway. Helplessly they looked on at the sight before them seeming to be out of options with the power surging before their eyes.

"The Convergence is at its peak," Erik stated.

Thor eyed the three devices that the man was now carrying. The ones once stuck in the ground to create the smaller portals as a distraction. He wondered why they were now in possession of them.

"Can those things stop him?" the prince asked.

"Not from here."

"We can't get close enough," Jane added.

"I can," Thor stated.

Without hesitation, the Asgardian took the equipment from Erik and began running towards the swirling matter when Jane shouted,

"Thor!" It caused him to pause for a brief moment and look back at the woman. About to ask her if whatever she had to say could wait till later, she continued, "Anya is in there!"

Worry gripped at him as the prince continued into the cyclone without further delay. Jane observed the screen in hands and watched as the signals went offline, completely blinding them as to what was happening inside.

Thor could barely see the deeper he went. The matter and wind bit into his skin, an arm trying to shield his eyes before finally breaking into the center. The sight before him caused his breath to escape. The dark matter was running through Anya's chest. Yet the agent held her own against the Dark Elf, halting the Aether's progress of consuming the universe, all the while opening herself up to the very thing that nearly consumed her in the first place. At first, he worried that Malekith gained control of her, but they were in a constant tug-of-war for power over the situation. The young woman had given them more time.

"Malekith!" Thor shouted.

Their heads snapped in the god's direction as he stalked forward. The Dark Elf was through with the interruptions, having allowed this to go on for far too long. He would destroy both of them in one fell swoop.

"Darkness returns, Asgardian!" Malekith declared.

With the slight twist of his arm, Anya's teeth clenched harder trying to keep her grip on the Aether.

"Have you come to witness the end of your universe?"

"I come to accept your surrender," Thor said.

The hand that held one of the devices threw it tip first through the air like a javelin. Easily, the enemy snatched it up with his right hand, glaring at the flimsy item with disdain. On the outside of the cyclone the radar in Jane's hand began beeping, causing her to look down and see a red dot had appeared. Without hesitation she twisted the knob rather forcefully.

The item beeped before opening a small portal and consuming the limb from the hand to the upper arm. Malekith stared with wide eyes at the empty area while hope filled Thor that this might work. Meanwhile, Anya felt the enemy's grip on the Aether slipping, and tightened her own. Taking the second device, the Asgardian threw it harshly through the air causing the tip to embed in the left shoulder. Once more it activated leaving the Dark Elf armless. Anya's other hand reached up towards the sky and began pulling, forcing the tentacles to recede.

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