Chapter 21

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When they managed to right the ship and become airborne once more, Thor observed their surroundings carefully. This whole planet reeked of death from the eerie greenish-golden glow that resonated from the eclipsed sun above to the barren land below. There was nothing living here, only bones to skeletons that were long forgotten from wars centuries ago. One could even tell where the battlefields had been based on the divots and scorches that forever marked the blackened ground and dirty rocks. It was quiet. Too quiet. Thor's ears strained to hear any signs of the enemy knowing they arrived and were planning an attack. But there was nothing, yet Loki seemed to know where they were headed as he calmly flew them through the air at a leisurely pace. Looking down, a frown touched his lips at the sight of Anya. She had still not woken up, even from the harsh landing. At least her breathing evened out as the prince removed his cloak to drape it over her form gently. Loki watched the display as his brother then leaned down and kissed her temple.

It caused the disgraced prince to scoff at the action. "What I could do with the power that flows through those veins," he commented.

The criminal's words did nothing to brighten the prince's mood, brows narrowing and answering, "It would consume you."

Loki's brow cocked at the insult to the fact that he, a god, would succumb to the Aether at the same pace or faster than a mortal. As if she were his equal... Just like their mother expressed days ago. Instead of snapping, Loki spoke with narrowed brows,

"She's holding up alright for a mortal. For now."

"She's strong in ways you'd never even know, brother," Thor said.

Still the god shrugged and without any empathy said, "Say goodbye."

Turning towards Loki his eyes held a dark look warning him to tread lightly. He was not in the mood for his words. "Not this day."

"This day, the next, a hundred years, it's nothing," Loki stated. "It's a heartbeat. You'll never be ready. The only woman whose love you've prized will be snatched from you because time is not in her favor."

"And will that satisfy you?" Thor's voice rose. He knew all of this, but didn't wish to think of what was to come. He only wished to live in the moment.

"Satisfaction is not in my nature," Loki answered coolly.

"Surrender is not in mine."

Loki sighed exasperatedly, mocking, "The son of Odin..."

"No. Not just of Odin." Thor marched towards his brother at the bow, leaving Anya to rest. "You think you alone were loved by Mother? You had her tricks, but I had her trust."

Now Loki's brows narrowed, annoyance and anger rising in him from the comment. "Trust?" he snapped. "Was that her last expression? Trust? When you let her die?"

"What help were you in your cell?"

That was the last straw for him, hands gripping the controls tightly. "Who put me there?" the criminal shouted. "Who put me there?"

Reaching forward, Thor ripped him away from where his brother stood and slammed Loki against the side of the ship. He pinned him in place, fist knotting in the black and green clothing before shouting,

"You know damn well! You know damn well who!"

The reminder made the god's blood boil. Not just because of what he caused to befall Midgard, but what he had done to Anya on the tower. Thor never properly confronted his brother on the matter. Too busy worrying over the mortal's life and working to restore the Nine Realms because of his mischief. But now that it all came back to him, Thor only wished to punch Loki in the face to make him try and feel the pain he did. His fist pulled back to deliver the blow when the two froze. Loki didn't attempt to pull away as the two glared at each other as the tension between them began to simmer. Eventually, the prince lowered the arm and relaxed the fingers before releasing the shirt collar as well.

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