Chapter 17

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Thor walked through the halls in confusion. He could not find Volstagg, Frandal, or even Sif for that matter. By now the three would be training in the assigned wing of the palace, yet it sat vacant when he entered. With furrowed brows he walked through the halls searching other areas they frequently occupied. The prince came up empty handed. With nowhere else to look Thor made his way towards the gardens. That's where Anya would be right now and smiled at the thought of joining her. Walking through the floral, he searched for the mortal as he went. Yet when the god started coming towards the end of his mother's garden, he grew worried. Anya was nowhere to be found. There was only one place left to look, swiftly walking towards her chambers and ignoring those he passed. What if the Aether had taken control and she was in danger? Or the Dark Elves somehow snuck back into Asgard without being detected and kidnapped her?

There were guards standing outside the agent's door and that caused his brows to furrow. Then a general exited the room and began to close the door when Thor questioned, "What is the meaning of this?"

The guards and general snapped to attention as the prince approached.

"My prince," the general said, "we have strict orders that the mortal is to stay in her room under watch until further notice."

"Who ordered this?" But the prince already knew the one person who would be behind this.

"The king."

Thor pushed past the three, closing the door behind him and glanced around the room. Anya sat on one of the lounge chairs staring out the windows. He visibly relaxed at the sight of her.


Her head snapped in his direction, standing, but not approaching. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "I thought you were looking for the Warriors Three?"

His head shook. "They are not important at the moment." In three strides they met each other halfway across the room. Thor held her tightly against him. "What happened?"

"I was making my way towards the gardens when they stopped me. I thought best not to run or fight them."

"Probably for the best, but I am certain you would've been able to trick them to evade this."

"I'm already on the king's bad side, I don't need another reason for him to hate me."

His expression then grew grave. "I did not know this was my father's plan. I will speak to him. You are not a criminal or dangerous."

She didn't nod in agreement, remembering what happened in the hall. A part of her wondered if maybe being stuck in this room was a good thing with the Aether growing stronger, as much as she hated feeling trapped.

"Thor... there's something else," the agent spoke up before the god could pull away. "When I walked towards the gardens, I saw something." She had his full attention now. "The sun, it turned red, as did the sky, and then Asgard... it began to decay."

Pulling away slightly, he looked her in the eyes to see the truth behind those words. "Anya, the sun never turned such color."

She sighed. "I was afraid you were going to say that... And there was something. In the bathroom earlier." Without hesitation the prince rushed towards the room to search the area to find it remained undisturbed. "But when I pulled myself out from under the water there was nothing there," she continued weakly.

"What did you see?"

"I thought Malekith was trying to take me."

Which meant the Aether either gave her a warning or premonition of what was to befall Asgard or herself. It was becoming more aware and taking over her senses. Something needed to be done before it was too late. The prince couldn't sit by and wait any longer for his father to do something.

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