Chapter 14

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Anya felt numb, staring out the doors to the balcony that looked over a lake in her quarters. What transpired the day before felt surreal. The agent hoped to wake from this terrible nightmare to find that everything was fine. That Asgard wasn't attacked and Frigga remained alive. But life had a way of not working out as Anya planned. The queen was dead and Asgard prepared to lay her to rest, along with all other soldiers that died during the attack. She didn't even dare to venture outside her room, while waiting for the service to begin. One could feel the somber nature in the palace through the walls and it made Anya sick to her stomach. Which she already emptied in the bathroom earlier that day.

When waking up in the healers quarters she was alone. Her whole body ached, so much so pushing up from the bed turned into a struggle. That's when one of the healers walked in only to rush off and grab someone else. The head healer Anya met on her first day in Asgard entered next. She felt completely exhausted from the amount of power the Aether used against Malekith. As time passed some memories were coming back from the altercation. After the dark matter exploded out of her, the Dark Elf had been warded off by Thor's arrival... and she attacked him in turn. The young woman wasn't very sure that was her own intentions or the Aether's doing to protect itself no matter who it was. The agent hated herself for it. All of it, as they released her and two handmaidens lead her towards her guest chambers. There they dressed Anya in a black gown with minimal gold designs embroidered into the bottom edge of the skirt. When she looked at it questioningly one handmaiden answered,

"The queen is being laid to rest this evening. All are to attend."

Anya then noticed their attire matched in equally somber colors, unlike the first time they met. Once they were done the two left, leaving Anya alone. She rushed towards the bathroom only seconds later and emptied whatever contents were in her stomach. But there wasn't much in there to begin with, leaving the young woman to dry heave for a few minutes from everything that came crashing down on her.


The voice caused the young woman to blink and realize that the sun outside slowly began setting over the mountains. How long had she been unaware of time passing since being left alone?

Glancing towards the door, Anya realized that Thor had entered. He wore dark gray battle armor. Even the chest plate was black. His face was like stone, trying to be strong, but she could see in his eyes that he was hurting. And that only broke the young woman's heart further as she stood from the bed to face him. Though it was difficult because she placed all the blame on herself.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I'm so sorry." The young woman struggled to hold back the tears gathering in her eyes. "I didn't see through it. One moment she was with me and the next I was with her illusion instead–"

"I do not blame you."

"But why not?" she shouted. "I was there and didn't react in time! Frigga told me to stay hidden and safe, and I hesitated instead of not listening to her!"

Anya covered her face with both hands as the tears finally spilled over.

"Why don't you hate me? Why aren't you shouting at me? I'm the reason they came because I did my job and searched a building I shouldn't have. I gained a power I never wanted and I was brought to Asgard to be safe. I can't forgive myself and you shouldn't either."

Through her sorrow, Anya didn't hear his approach, and instead sensed the god standing before her. Thor held the young woman's face in his hands, forcing away her own so he could look her in the eye.

"Do not say such things," he ordered. "My mother's death was not your fault. She knew what she was doing." Anya opened her mouth to voice protest, but the prince silenced her with a long kiss. "You are alive because of her sacrifice. Always remember that she did it because she cared for you. It was not just because the Aether runs in your veins. My mother was always fond of you. Even if Malekith wasn't hunting you down she would still protect you no matter the cost."

"But I shouldn't have listened..." she whispered.

"I am glad you did. Malekith would have killed you. My grandfather fought him centuries ago and nearly died vanquishing his armies. He would have killed you after taking the Aether back."

Anya wished to say her life wasn't worth it. That Malekith should've just killed her to be done with it in exchange for Frigga's life. But Thor wouldn't hear anymore protests from her, ushering the young woman towards the bathroom to dry her eyes before leaving. The two didn't want to be late.

An Asgardian funeral was not so different from the procession when someone of high importance died in countries around Midgard. Frigga lay on a raised bed dressed in orange-gold sheets. They draped down to an array of beautiful white flowers, ones that Anya recognized from the queen's garden, as they circled the bed. A sheet covered the goddess's lower half and they dressed her in armor like the warrior she was. Hands resting on the stomach and holding the hilt of an unsheathed sword. The crown sat neatly in place, hair pulled back into a high bun as her head lay atop a pale golden pillow. Last but not least a translucent veil layover the queen's face so all could still see her features.

Frigga looked peaceful, and one would think she was merely sleeping as Thor and Anya approached to pay their respects. But that wasn't the case as they stood off to the side moments as other warriors came forward. Anya struggled to hold herself together. Being a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. death was expected with the line of work they did. The young woman had been to a number of funerals, but none affected her as much as this before. She grasped Thor's hand tightly for something to ground her, but also discreetly comforted the god in any way she could, while in the presence of others.

Odin was the last to come forward, hand caressing his wife's face and kissing her forehead tenderly. He dressed in a similar colored armor as Thor, with a war helmet placed on his head. Though his appearance was meant to show the heart of a warrior, all could see him breaking on the inside when the king finally pulled away and nodded towards his guards. The procession began.

They walked out of what remained of the throne room with the king at the head, Thor, Anya, the Warriors Three, and Sif trailing behind him followed by Frigga. Then behind the casket marched the royal guard dressed in gold and carrying banners with somber expressions. They moved through the streets of Asgard slowly as the subjects lined the sides wearing dark colors. Many women were crying as they approached. Anya swallowed heavily feeling guilty that she was the cause of this. Those holding flowers in hand tossed them onto the street in signs of respect, others bowing their heads.

Finally, they came to the edge of Asgard where the water surrounding the mainland met the dock. In the distance Anya could see that it didn't travel into the horizon out of sight, but seemed to curve over an edge like a waterfall as it fell into an abyss. Carrying the bed into a wooden ship Frigga was set adrift. All were now gathered along the water and watched her float away when a flaming arrow shot through the air and hit the deck. It very much resembled a Vikings funeral as the ship became consumed as the seconds ticked by. Then more ships filled the waters, Anya realizing that they belonged to the warriors that died in battle, as they too were set on fire in a similar fashion. But the young woman could only stare out at Frigga's in the end as it drew closer. She waited for it to tip over the edge. Instead, to her surprise, it seemed to float as it lifted from the water before materializing into white balls of light and floated into the star-covered sky. It left her in a bit of awe at the sight.

"She is returning to the cosmos," Thor muttered.

After the deaths of the warriors, white balls of light followed from the city of Asgard. Belonging to the subjects that lost their lives in the attacks. The Asgardians were releasing them, like lanterns, as they lifted high into the air after them floating amongst the stars.

"They all are."

For the first time death almost seemed to look beautiful.

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