Chapter 4

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Though unconscious it felt like she was floating into nothingness. No ground supported her or something to tell what was up and down. The agent remained in the darkness unable to hear or see anything. Even difficult to keep her thoughts straight as it felt like her insides were on fire. Why wouldn't it stop? And what on earth happened?

Moments later a solid surface pressed against her back righting everything as the sensation faded. Through heavy lids Anya managed to force them open with a low groan. She stared up at the broken ceiling of the rundown building. The familiar gray clouds loomed overhead through the holes and the cold returned as well with the rain. Had it all been a dream? Maybe she fell through the rotting floor and knocked herself out in the process making the whole incident up? No, no... that had all been too real. And from her experience in the past knew better than to ignore whatever took place. The pain in the chest had gone away thankfully for the most part and only ached. But the young woman still felt nauseous rolling over to push herself up. Everything spun for a moment, squeezing her eyes shut to try and force it away.

"God it feels like Natasha floored me," she gasped out.

The young woman felt feverish even against the chill in the air. The temperature a slight welcome getting to both feet and stumbling a few paces. It was time to leave this building, not even hearing the crackling of her earpiece as a voice tried coming through. It took longer than the young woman liked finding her way out. Relieved to finally see the outside.


Anya blinked trying to get rid of the foggy feeling in brain. Her eyesight saw double as everything attempted to fall back into place. There were bright lights pointing in her direction coming from dark cars as figures walked through the beams towards her.

"Agent Fredrickson, are you alright?"

She recognized her superior but found it difficult to form coherent words, stumbling slightly. It still felt like she was walking through a dream.

"Where have you been?"

"Floor three... secured," the young woman managed. She held her head and gave it a shake to no avail to alleviate her senses. "No... something..."

"Were you by any chance utilizing your gifts beyond escorting Jane Foster outside?" someone asked.

"No," Anya answered.

"Agent Fredrickson, we searched the entire building and premises. You were nowhere to be found. You've been missing for five hours."

Eyes having slightly adjusted to her surroundings Anya noticed that the teenagers were gone. Though Jane Foster remained on the outskirts of the blocked off area trying to see what was going on alongside Darcy and Ian.

Five hours? Impossible, she'd been gone only a few minutes. But where she was... maybe time passed differently there. It had grown dark out. When Anya went in there had still been light out when discovering the scientists snooping around. What exactly was that place to begin with?

An intense wave of nausea hit the young woman, swaying slightly. "My head is pounding..."

"Did you fall inside and hit it on something?"

Before the young woman could answer a loud crack echoed in the air. All eyes turned up towards the sky as the overhead clouds began to swirl together and grow dark. Lightning sparked in them as well as other abnormal hints of color. Anya would recognize their formations anywhere knowing what was coming as a beam of light shot down only feet away. It hit the ground sending a gust of air towards them as the agents tried to protect their eyes from the thrown about dirt and debris. Through it all a figure emerged from the center moving towards her at a rapid pace. The agents allowed him access, recognizing the man dressed in Asgardian armor, red cape, and wielding a hammer.

"Thor..." Anya breathed.

She nearly fell over as things began to spin, the God of Thunder reaching out at the last moment to catch the young woman around the waist. Looking each other in the eye she spoke breathlessly again,

"I don't feel right."

"You disappeared," he stated. His voice was deep just like she remembered and a welcoming comfort in her state. "You were gone from this world and Heimdall could not see you. I was worried–"


His head picked up, realizing that not only were there agents there with them, but Jane Foster stood on the border of their mapped-out perimeter. Even Darcy looked rather stunned to see him. And he in turn was rather lost for a moment thinking he would never lay eyes on the mortal again. Not after discovering her decision to move on since last on Midgard.

Anya seized in his grasp, gripping at her chest rather painfully. The action snapped Thor from his thoughts. It felt like she was burning from the inside out once again.

"Anya, what is it?" he questioned. His hand came up feeling the side of her face and forehead realizing how warm she was. "You are burning up."

"We will take it from here," the young woman's superior spoke up. The man stepped forward. "We will take her back to base and have our medics take a look at her."

"Was she unwell before coming here?"

"As far as we are aware of, no." Glancing to the young woman he continued, "You can make a report back at base what happened inside," and reached out to grab her arm.

A burst of red energy exploded from Anya's form completely blinding her as Thor's grip disappeared when he was thrown backwards with the others. She dropped to the ground heavily. The glass on the windows to their cars exploded from the aftershock sending shards in every direction. Even those back on the perimeter were thrown off their feet, though were faster to recover. Jane and Darcy looked at each other and then at the sight before them in complete shock.

"Did the meter catch those readings?" the astrophysicist asked, referring to the device in her intern's hand.

"Uh... yeah..." the young woman answered. "What was that?"

Ian sat beside them, mouth gaping open like a fish speechless.

There were no words to describe what transpired. Thor felt a bit dazed as he sat up to understand the situation. His attention immediately went to the agent.

"Anya!" he shouted, rushing to her side.

The young woman lay sprawled out on the ground with closed eyes. He cupped her cheek filled with relief that she was still conscious when a groan escaped the lips. That incident was not normal, even for her with the gift she possessed.

"Are you alright?"

"I've been better," she muttered.

The agents struggled to right themselves, seeming just as confused and perplexed as the god himself. This was not something S.H.I.E.L.D. could fix, he realized. The incident was way beyond their control and knowledge.

"Hold on, Anya." Lifting the young woman into his arms he paid no mind to the others looking to the sky. "Heimdall!"

Once more the clouds were darkening and clumping together above. A cyclone formed mixed with sparks of lightning and color. Anya managed to crack open her eyes to stare up at the event. A light in the center blinded the young woman temporarily as it shot down and engulfed the both of them kicking up the wind. They were rushing forward without further hesitation causing Thor to hold her tighter. The young woman's eyes closed trying to block against the light and gusts, completely losing her grasp on the world around them.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents could do nothing to stop them leaving. They stared at the charred ground that now bore an Asgardian symbol. None knew exactly where to go from here. FInally someone spoke up,

"Well I'm not going to be the one to tell the Director."

Many paled at the thought of having to explain this all to Fury. That their key witness to what occurred inside had been whisked away in a matter of minutes of finally finding her. And none received a clear answer to any of their questions on the events unfolding.

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