Chapter 24

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Jane stood completely at a loss for words at the doorway to her loft and openly stared at their visitors. For a moment the astrophysicist wondered if this was her mind playing tricks on her from the lack of sleep in the last week. But after blinking a few times and trying to will herself to wake up from this crazy dream she realized it wasn't going to happen. Thor stood in the hall, along with the agent from before that escorted her from the building until she disappeared into thin air. The one he took back with him through the Bifrost and hadn't been heard from since.

Jane wasn't sure if this was the universe's way of getting back at her for not keeping her promise, but the woman wondered if she should just close the door in their face and act like no one had been there in the first place. But her curiosity got the best of her from the fact that the both of them came to her door. When the agent could have gone to her higher ups of S.H.I.E.L.D. instead. And they both looked a little worse for wear. As if they had been in a battle.

"We meet again," Anya greeted with a smile. "Sorry about the last time. I hope I didn't scare you."

"Uh... No, I was just a bit startled," Jane answered. Shaking her head the astrophysicist then questioned, "Wait, what are you both doing here?"

The young woman's expression grew serious and that slightly worried Jane, glancing quickly towards Thor. He bore a similar expression.

"I hope that since the discovery at the shipping yard your curiosity hasn't gone away as to what caused it."

"Uh... no?"

The woman wasn't even sure if she should be relaying this information. She worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. and the organization hadn't exactly been cooperating with her as of late.

"Good, we need your help."

Jane's mouth slightly parted in shock. Well, she didn't expect that answer whatsoever.

"Jane, who's at the door?" Darcy called from the living room. The assistant walked towards the hall before pausing in surprise and shouted, "It's you! The both of you!"

Sighing, the astrophysicist opened the door a little wider asking, "Do you want to come in?"

The loft was big, but with four people already occupying the space it made it a little more crowded to move around. Now that there were two more Jane worried they would start running into each other and start breaking things by accident. Erik and Ian's heads picked up noticing movement from the hall and the man's eyes widened exclaiming, "Thor!"

The god smiled in greeting. Walking across the space the two shook hands before looking both guests over and noticed the clothing Anya wore.

"You've been to Asgard," he spoke with awe.

"Where are your pants?" Thor questioned.

Glancing down, the agent took notice that the full-grown man only wore his underwear to cover the lower half of his body. It confused her greatly, and caused Darcy to sigh and shake her head. As if it was an argument she couldn't win as Ian spoke up,

"Oh, he, um, he says it helps him think."

Anya realized who this man was. Dr. Erik Selvig, a well known astrophysicist in the field and turned into a pawn for Loki's during the attack on New York City. He helped build the device to open up the portal to bring the Chitauri to them. And the one who helped them close it up once broken from his mind control. It had all been in the reports she read after the investigation was completed.

"Um, are you alright?" Darcy suddenly asked.

All heads turned to look at her when they realized she stared at Anya with wide eyes. Glancing down, the young woman almost forgot the crusted blood on her hands, arms, and clothing.

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