Chapter 35

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Anya never saw Sif in battle before, but knew the warrior must be skilled if she fought alongside Thor and was of higher ranks than the normal palace guards. However, she didn't expect what came charging her way the next afternoon. There were no weapons in either of their possessions, sticking with hand-to-hand combat, but two minutes into their sparing the young woman was nearly taken to the ground. Instantly she knew that this would be nothing like facing Natasha in the past. She had to be lightning fast dodging each advance and fending off those that grew too close. A few times the agent landed her own hits, managing to take Sif off guard. It was mini victories like those that fueled Anya to push harder, but didn't allow it to distract her, ducking and flipping backwards out of the way before the warrior could return the favor.

Thor watched a few feet away, impressed that Anya wasn't resorting to her mirages to try and trick Sif when she grew too close or seemed to gain the upper hand. He knew his friend was going a bit easy on the agent, something he had not asked her to do, but was thankful for it. Though the young woman was capable of handling herself he worried a full on attack from Sif could land her in the hospital or with a nasty bruise or a few.

Nearly two hours into the match, the warrior relaxed, standing to full height and no longer on the offensive. It confused Anya as to what she was doing, slightly letting up, but not completely lowering her guard in case Sif decided to launch a surprise attack as a test. Yet a part of her grew thankful for the break, feeling the sweat rolling down her skin and trying to even out her slightly labored breathing.

"I am aware that some of the Aether is still harboring inside you," she spoke up. The young woman nodded. "I would like to see it in action."

Without hesitation the mirages began to form around them, capping at twenty-five. Thor's brow cocked at the sight of the new additions. He could tell the agent pushed for those last ones, just catching sight of the flecks of red in her eyes becoming more prominent. Sif reached out to pass a hand through the nearest one. She admitted the display impressed her.

"The more I work with the Aether the stronger I become with my mirages," Anya relayed.

"So it has affected your gift."

Another nod on the agent's part. "I could never make this many before and so easily."

"Has the Aether managed to transfer to the duplicates in any way?"

"No, it just remains close to me."

"May I see it?"

Willing the matter to take shape, Sif watched her eyes glow stronger, completely covering the gray hue normally present. The tendrils began circling the hand, crawling up towards the wrist and tickling at the skin. Walking closer the warrior hesitantly reached out towards the agent. She heard the stories of the Aether lashing out in Asgard and worried that it still possessed a mind of its own, trying to protect the host. But nothing happened and she made contact with an arm.

"How did you manage to control it so well?"

"I opened up to it, deciding that rather than keep it at a distance and closed off from it, that I needed to understand it. The Aether can't be removed anytime soon so we need to work together."

Sif dropped her hand. "Have you learned how to weaponize it?"

"Barely, I exhaust easily when doing that."

"Show me."

Anya found it natural to manage the Aether in whip form, maneuvering about the space and lashing out towards the mirages while Sif and Thor watched. As the agent stated, minutes later she grew exhausted and stopped.

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