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Kiara walked around her huge college campus going to her history class. She's never been so drained in her life. She was up until 1 am writing her paper so She was exhausted. She went to the Starbucks that was in campus, which was literally around the corner from her class building and grabbed a Carmel iced coffee with two shots of espresso, Kiara seriously needed it because her history teacher was old and boring.

She made it to her class and sat down at her assigned seat, she was the first in class and enjoyed it for as long as she could before the obnoxious college athletic boys came in bothering her.

Once everyone came in her teacher began to set up while Kiara minded her business on her phone.

"Yo Kiara what you doing this weekend?" Troy asked her as he turned around to face her.

"You know Kiara don't got no life, she just gon be in her house editing those ugly ass pictures she be taking." Laurel said as she looked over at Troy.

"I didn't know I was talking to you." Troy spat at Laurel defending Kiara.

"What you defending her for? She ain't nobody." Laurel spat back.

"Because I can, now continue to brush that crunchy ass weave." He spat.

Kiara laughed a little but stopped once Laurel shot her a death stare. Troy turned back to her and asked her again. "So what you doing Saturday night?"

"Nothing, just chillin with my granny." She spoke.

"Will ya granny be upset if you skipped out, I got tickets to this lil poetry thing Saturday and I know you into it." He asked her, hoping she would say yes.

"Fasure. Just hit me up." Kiara said excitedly.

Troy was something like a childhood friend. He was 6'2, light skin with a curly top. He was Dominican and he was literally the only person in her school who was nice to her. She liked it but it started to get annoying when people questioned their relationship.

She didn't like being around people but when they offered to pay and take her somewhere she was all for it. Plus this poetry event he's speaking of is all she wanted to go to recently, she was trying to get tickets but they were all sold out.

She went along with her school day and when it was over she had to rush right downtown to take pictures.

She headed down to Times Square to take pictures for a couple who just got married. She didn't understand why they wanted to take pictures down there but they did say that's where they met which she found kind of cool but odd.

Kiara thought she was an okay photographer but others beg to differ, all her clients loved her. Her granny said that for her to only be 22 years old she had a better career than some adults. Kiara didn't pay any of them any mind at all because she thought they were just gassing her head.

Before she went to her shoot she went to McDonald's to grab something quick to eat, she was way pass starving, she didn't eat lunch at school because the food was disgusting.

As she waited in line she realized a man, around her age was eyeing her down. Kiara didn't pay it any mind, she got used to men staring at her. She just never was phased as long as they didn't try to touch her.

Her food was called and she went up and grabbed her McDonald's bag and began walking towards the door when the boy began to walk to her.

He reached his hand out to grab her jean jacket. Kiara felt the slight tug and turned towards the young man. When she got a closer look at him she saw he was actually really handsome. His dark, chocolate skin was clear and shiny, he was glowing and she loved it. He had a pointed beard that traced his jawline and I small mustache, it was a good size for this head, it wasn't wild and crazy. He had dark brown eyes with beautiful eye lashes, his eye brows were a little thick. He dressed really well and to compliment his skin he had on a yellow durag. Kiara was a sucker for a nice durag and waves.

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