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It's been 6 weeks since Kiara was hired at Francois Magazine and she was loving it, she met so many new people, even some celebrities, it was a pretty cool job and environment. Her and Khari were working great along side one another and he was everything she thought he would be. He was cocky and annoying, she thought any man with his wealth and family would be, but they worked well together which was quite a surprise to Kiara. Julia has been out for a few weeks and Khari couldn't get a hold of his beloved assistant and Kiara was as confused as he was. It was like ever since Kiara was hired, Julia didn't want any parts with the company.

It was one week before Thanksgiving and Kiara was finally moving into her new apartment. She found one in Manhattan, not too far from home and not too far from work. She was in love with her new spot and today was the day she was officially moving in.

As Troy and Darien bought boxes up from the U-Haul truck, Kiara and Ms. Gonzalez wiped down stoves, base boards and door knobs as Kiara's Bose speaker blasted early 2000's R&B. Karla went to house to grab the rest of Kiara's clothes and photography equipment.

"So I see two bedrooms." Troy said as him and Darien set down the smart tv Kiara got yesterday. "That's for me right?" Troy asked.

"No, it's gonna be my studio. I'll get a blow up bed for you." Kiara joked causing Ms. Gonzalez to laugh.

"Wow. I see what it is. You got it." Troy said holding his chest. "Come on Darmin." He said patting Darien's shoulder, getting his name wrong for the 5th time today.

"It's Darien, man." Darien said as he dropped his head and shaking his head in shame for Troy. Before walking out behind Troy Darien stopped and turned to Kiara. "I don't gotta sleep on the blow up bed right?" Darien asked concerned.

"No, you sleep on the couch." Kiara said with a grin, receiving one back from him.

Kiara went back to cleaning with Ms. Gonzalez. "You and that boy moving a little fast don't you think?" She asked.

"Yeah, I just like him. I don't know." Kiara said unsure o what to say.

"I just want you to be cautious Kiki, you're by yourself now, and I don't want you to make a mistake and be hurt again. I just want you to be safe, okay?"

"Yes and I promise, I will." Kiara said.

Karla was putting rest of Kiara's photography things in the car. She was proud of her little sister for getting out and doing her thing. She watched her grow and go through some tough shit so seeing her move into her own was a toll emotions.

"This damn light, I better get a free photo shoot or something. Shit." Karla groaned putting Kiara's light in the backseat next closing the door.

"Y'all moving?" Karla heard a voice behind her. She turned seeing Julia.

"No. Kiara is, why you here? Troy has been contacting you and you ain't been calling him back." Karla said putting her hand on her hip shifting her weight to the side.

"I..I have to talk to him about something." Julia said as her voice began to crack.

"You good? Get in the car." Karla told her. The two got into the car and drove to Kiara's place. "Girl, you shaking for why? What's up with you?" Karla asked as she glanced over at Julia who looked like she was ready to throw up. "Listen if you finna throw up in my shit I'll pull over." Karla said. "Just got her cleaned this morning."

"No I'm fine." Julia said.

"Then what's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant.."

"Shit." Karla mumbled to herself. The car grew silent as Karla pulled into Kiara's parking garage. She pulled her phone out and called Troy. "Come outside now. I got Julia here, y'all need to talk." Karla said getting out the car. "Stay." She told Julia as she began to walk into the apartment building.

"I'm not no damn dog!" Julia yelled after her.

Next Troy walked out with his hands in his pocket.

"Hey baby." He said attempting to kiss Julia but she dodged it. "You straight?"

"Troy, I have to tell you something." She said beginning to tear up.

"What's wrong Julia?" He asked one last time. She just looked at him, not saying a word. She was too afraid to utter the words out of her lips not because she was afraid of his reaction but because she didn't know if it was his or Khari's. She looked down in the direction of her stomach, Troy looked down with her and realized immediately what she was saying.

"Damn." He said to himself. "Um, well, what we gon do? What's the plan? What you wanna do?" How? Damn." He said in shock, locking his fingers together, throwing them over his head.

"What you mean how?"

"Nah like I know how, just like... wow." He said


"Pregnant? What you mean pregnant?" Ms. Gonzalez semi-yelled. "El chico es tonto, señor reza por él." Ms. Gonzalez cursed.

"Maybe this is a good thing. A life was taken and a new one is approaching." Karla said trying to calm her mother down.

"Nah, if anybody supposed to be expecting a new life it's Kiki, not your estúpido brother, the boy can barely make spaghetti, how is goin to make a baby bottle."

"Aight, you don't gotta drag my brother like that now ma, people make mistakes." Karla said trying to not laugh.

"And all love to him and her but ion wanna bring in no life, I'm good." Kiara surrendered.

"I know, but, Troy?" Ms. Gonzalez questioned.

"I'm just confused on what her being pregnant has to do with her missing work for 2 weeks. That shit don't add up." Said Kiara, she cared that she was going to be an auntie but she just didn't trust it, her gut never lied.

Moments later Troy came in and told everyone the news as if Karla didn't already snitch. The group continued to get Kiara's place together. They finally put her bed up and her tv. The time was 7:20 pm and Troy and Ms. Gonzalez went home. All that were left was Kiara, Karla and Darien. The three were in the living room talking and drinking glasses of wine. Karla brought one to officially break in the new home.

"So you never told me how y'all met." Karla said sipping her drink.

"In the library on campus." Kiara said with a little smile.

"Aww, y'all some nerds." Karla awed over the couple.

Kiara just shook her head and stood to walk over to the small kitchen. Darien laughed at Karla and Kiara, he found it funny how much they acted alike.

After another glass of wine and chit chat, Karla gathered her things and left. Kiara and Darien went into the bedroom and began to put the bed set Kiara got a few days ago onto the queen sized bed.

"When you gon put these lights up?" Darien asked nodding over to the led lights that were lined up against the wall.

"I don't know, I may not put them up, I might use my string lights instead. Why? You gon put them up for me?" Kiara asked.

"Yes and I wanted to cuddle on red." Darien flirted causing Kiara to smirk a bit.

The two plopped onto the bed and turned on a movie on Netflix as Kiara's salt lamp glowed in the corner as the two cuddled.

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