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"Can you drop me off on your way to the office? I'm running late." Kiara asked Khari as she searched for her phone charger.

"Yeah, I got you. Here's your jean jacket, you left it on the back of the bathroom door." Khari said as he handed Kiara her jacket and fixed his tie. The two were running extremely late and Kiara had two exams today and Khari had interviews back to back for publicity for his publish company. Khari began to brush his beard and then twist his hair with his sponge brush, he grew to like his hair being long. Kiara grabbed her back pack and zipped her hoodie up and slipped her jean jacket on. The weather was bipolar for the past two weeks, last week Kiara needed a coat then out of nowhere she needed just a hoodie and jean jacket. But she didn't mind because it was March almost April meaning soon she'd be graduating college, all she wanted to do was travel, hopefully open her photography studio and live her life debt free which still till this day she was grateful to be able to do, due to her full scholarship. Khari and Kiara rushed out of Kiara's apartment and down to the car. As soon as they got in Khari sped off quickly taking Kiara to her college campus, once reaching their destination Khari kissed her goodbye.

"You got this baby, go get that A. Khari encouraged as Kiara walked into her building. Khari got back in and pulled off. He glanced down at the time and back at the rode next pressing the break as he came in contact with a student. Last thing he needed was to be in court paying for someone's college debt.

"My fault man, you good?" Khari asked as he hopped out the car.

"Yeah I'm straight." Darien said as he looked up at Khari next rolling his eyes. "Great, first you steal my girl now you tryna steal my life?" Darien scoffed making Khari roll his eyes, already becoming annoyed.

"I didn't steal her." Khari shrugged. "If you don't mind, I have a meeting to attend to." Khari said dismissing Darien, getting back into his car. Usually Khari would have a smart and witty remark but today he wasn't in the mood to battle insults. He just wanted to get his meeting over with and get to his dads house for a small get together. His dad and Courtney sometimes threw these nice dinners just to catch up with family when things got a little hectic in everyone's lives which for Khari's, his was spinning, he didn't think owning two businesses was gonna be this damn difficult. As Khari drove he spoke to his father on the phone.

"So I finally get to meet this Kiara girl you've been so sprung over? She must be something because you, you never been so damn serious about anything in your life." Jean rambled on about his son's new girlfriend, Jean never thought Khari could stay committed to one girl for this long and honestly he was surprised yet proud. "What makes her so different?" Jean asked.

"Because she just is pop, you'll see when you meet her tonight. She's not like Julia or any other female I've dealt with. I think you'll like her." Khari told his dad as he turned down the street his interview was taken place. Thankfully it wasn't too far from Kiara's school. He found a parking spot and sat in the car until it was time for him to go. Armani met him in the lobby of the radio station and the two walked in together.

"So what time does dinner start at your dad's" she asked as types away on her phone.

"4 but you know, we run in Haitian time so 6." Khari told Armani as she laughed.

"Who you texting anyway? You real serious." Khari asked as he looked her over.

"Troy, we're trying to figure out what we're doing for our date night."

"Wait, huh?" Khari asked getting taken aback by the statement. "Y'all together now? Damn I owe Kiki 20 dollars." Khari said in disappointment.

"Excuse me?" Armani questioned.

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